If you don’t mind, I’ll give you a name that is convenient for you to call it tasteless.

He looked up in shock and stared at the sex, wondering what the sudden hot feeling in his chest was for a long time.
Sex Germany looked up at the lonely star Leng Yue in the sky, handsome and not like a mortal face, indifferent and calm.
The clear sound is in the ear, and the lonely man has been talking for a long time. Looking at the farthest star in the sky with his eyes, it would produce an appropriate name. He was born like that lone star in Dreadwind, right
Smile, face upwards, a long whistle, clear and clear into the clouds. Since then, I have called Wei Gu Chen Jian as a general star, shining brightly in his eyes, and looking at sex.
Even if we can’t abandon Wei Shu’s fate, let him have a new name, a she, and he takes a name, that is, in this life, except for her, there may be no more people to call him this life, and he has also named this name unrequited love silly man sigh.
Sex virtue didn’t go to see him flying in the sky. He said calmly, "I once told you about a Duke of Zhou, and now I have to see her for something. Can you help me find her?"
Wei Guchen’s knife-shaped eyebrows are slightly raised in his heart, and at the same time, his lips are raised with a little coldness to laugh at her. Is this his name?
Let’s say quietly that seeing her is purely a private matter, and I promise I won’t take the opportunity to escape. I can also promise that she won’t do anything against you.
Wei Guchen hesitated for a short time and then said "Yes" generously.
Sex, nodded and never look at him again.
Zhao Chengfeng stunned expression Mo Cangran opposed the low call and was still behind. Several people tried to give advice, and he also turned a blind eye to it.
He doesn’t need to think about how much Wei Guchen promised Thaksin with his promise, and he doesn’t need to care about how much pressure and opposition Wei Guchen will face when he encounters difficulties in the event of mutation. He doesn’t need to think about how much risk Wei Guchen takes to bring a stranger to his secret stronghold. He just needs to achieve his own goals. Alas, he will torture himself.
Human feelings are really very
The third chapter indifferent mind
At the moment, I heard Zhou Ru talk about her playfulness lightly, and also asked lightly whether it would be okay after the tumor came.
Of course not. If so, what’s the fun? Zhou Ru proudly said that this tumor is my original name, which is called carcinoid tumor. That is to say, this sarcoma looks like a baby, and its hands and feet will cry like a baby. But this is not a real child. It will not be a complete life. It will not even be mentally retarded. It can walk slowly. Although it may walk unsteadily and speak, it will never express its meaning.
Zhou Ru laughed like a proud child who succeeded in a bad drama.
Even sexual morality is indifferent and indifferent, and almost secretly chills.
Dong Yan ran, no matter how much he eats or suffers, will hide in a place where people secretly give birth to this child. She will cry with her little hands and feet in her arms, and she will bet her feelings on her child that she will never get happiness.
Even if she is born out of wedlock, the world will despise her, even if she helps her children through the hard times alone, even if she has to deal with the former protection by herself, those who have become enemies will do their best to protect her children no matter how much they are hurt.
But her children will never be sensible, never open their mouths to call their mother, never walk on their own feet, and never repay her love for sacrifice.
As time goes by, she will find that she has given birth to an idiot who can cry, eat, drink and even urinate. No matter how much effort she makes and how many doctors she finds, no matter how old the child is, she is still a baby who needs her mother to pee in her shit.
She will be destroyed by this child in the next few years. She has no future and no happiness. What she can pay back can be a permanent injury. The stronger she is, the more she refuses to give up this child. The more she travels all over the world to find the panacea and strive for the best, the more she will be disappointed and hurt again and again.
She is single-minded, this child is her beloved, and she will never give up, but she doesn’t know that all this is just a game and a fiddle for the gods.
There is no anger and cold silence in the tone of what sex virtue is.
What, Zhou Ru’s faint smile is too empty? Is it necessary to ask the world thousands of ways to play games?
But although you didn’t break the law, you still violated Ruoyi’s business reputation for the company.
So what? Zhou Ruxiao has a long and disruptive conversation. Every year, a big company has a little dispute with its customers. One situation is that it can never afford to play the game. Only when you win the prize can you enter the virtual player. Even if you suffer a little damage, what can you do? Can he really shake the company’s business reputation? Even if you have to resort to law, a company of lawyers in our company is waiting to play with him.
You can feel at ease by teasing the world like this and playing with their fate like this. The virtue is to be silent for a while and then ask questions.
Zhou Ru gently why not? A child who is curious and pours a glass of water into an ant’s nest will blame him for being cruel. For ants, it is an extinction disaster. It is very important for human beings. Some biology classes will bring frogs to the table and the teacher will explain them slowly. Will scientists think this is cruel? Scientists have done research, implanted the virus into a small white rabbit and mouse, and watched it rot a little. Will people think it is cruel if they look at ordinary people from this different angle? This is just an experiment for me.
Experiment with what
Zhou Ru smiled and women experimented with feelings. Don’t you think that if Dong Yan ran happened, the story would be like a vulgar three-love drama? It is of course that the hero loves the heroine deeply, but for some special reason, the first supporting actress happened and then the plot conflict made the first supporting actress pregnant.
She smiles with curiosity and excitement, and a child smiles with the same curiosity and excitement. As a woman, she always wants a man to be single-minded and affectionate, but she has not been tempted, suffered or tested. That single-minded and affectionate feeling is not precious. If there are not so many women who miss Yang Guo for life, it is not rare that Yang Guo will never regret her love for the little dragon girl. I just want to see if it is true that he is single-minded and whether his feelings for Chu Yun are true love.
She said it was as easy and simple as saying that I want to see if this dress is a real brand name.
The sound of sex and virtue is incredibly quiet. This is why you play with Dong Yanran’s fate like this.
For a woman, there is nothing more touching and attractive than whether a man is true or not. Zhou Ru smiles. I’m interested in it. What’s wrong? Beautiful women love each other. If they still love Chu Yun, this is true love. I want to see what he will do to protect his love. Will he marry Dong Yan Ran and hurt Chu Yun? Or will he watch Dong Yan Ran? He was born out of wedlock. He will take care of a retarded idiot and suffer all his life.
In this understatement, she pushed her smile back to a tragic fate, and if she was in a dilemma, her smile was still sweet and evil, which made her concentrate on the class and cut her knife to another creature.