"Then let wreaths all go in and check it out, master. You stay outside." Wreaths all bitten to grind their teeth. It’s not easy for a demon who loves to clean huā to say such a thing.

"Ha ha, I know you’re worried that I’ll have an accident, but what are you worried about this time? What’s more, I don’t believe there is such a tough guy in this place as Hou Yi? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled regardless of the wreaths to dissuade him from jumping into the dark Dragon Palace, while Teddy boy, the flying centipede, was prone on his body and always paid attention to the situation around him.
The dark Dragon Palace is really as silent as a dead city. There is no living thing, including Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s imagination, evil spirits or monsters, and it is not a city to complete the city.
"If this place is like this, let’s go. If we want the Dragon Palace, we have to have dragons. It looks like a ruin, and even if it comes after us, we won’t have any scruples," said wreaths.
"You’re right. Let’s go." Eric Suen Yiu Wai shook his head in disappointment and turned to swim outside the Dragon Palace.
However, at this time, a huge whirlpool appeared in the darkness, and then a tentacle emerged from the whirlpool. The tentacle was thick and ugly, and looked like an octopus, but it was much bigger.
"sea monster!" Eric Suen Yiu Wai remembered that giant monster living in the ocean, even if it was B, it wouldn’t dare to provoke the giant sea monster easily. It was absolutely tough. "Run!" Eric Suen Yiu Wai shoved the wreaths out while he was caught in the whirlpool by the huge tentacles.
When she came to her senses to look for the whirlpool, she found that both the whirlpool and Eric Suen Yiu Wai were gone. In front of her, she was still the Dragon Palace.
"I really didn’t. This is the second time that I lost my master." Wreaths gnawed their teeth and felt depressed. But at this time, he somehow had some sense, and instead of frantically searching around, he remembered the location of the Dragon Palace and swam from the water to an safe place.
She believes that Eric Suen Yiu Wai will be fine. Once Eric Suen Yiu Wai was pulled in by the time crack, she found the ancient animal training ground and returned to heaven safely. This time, she believes that he can still return smoothly.
What she has to do now is to return to heaven as soon as possible and mobilize her strength to look for Eric Suen Yiu Wai and ensure Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s safety.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai stared at this huge sea monster and sighed naively. "It’s really hard luck. Now it falls into your big mouth. How can it be so unlucky?"
He stopped the punk who wanted to find the sea monster desperately. This guy is not a punk who can handle this guy. Obviously, compared with Drakula or Hades, Se belongs to the kind of quasi-holy peak strength. Let punk fight this big guy desperately unless he is out of his mind.
"Ha, ha, ha, don’t worry, I won’t eat you. If you want to find food, it’s much more delicious than you." The sea monster has transformed into a handsome young man with golden hair and a figure that looks really handsome.
But when I think of the sea monster, Eric Suen Yiu Wai has an impulse to vomit.
"Since you don’t want to eat me, what are you doing here?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked.
"It’s not me looking for you, but B not for winter!" The sea monster said lightly
"B not winter? What about others? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai secretly complained in his heart that a sea monster was enough for him to eat a pot. Now even B not Sedong has appeared. That B not Sedong is also a master of the same losing class as Hades, which is equivalent to the quasi-holy peak. Two such guys have no chance to escape by joining hands with their own roots.
"Poseidon, if you want to see it, you can see it." Poseidon said that he would let you go if he wanted you to do something. "The sea monster said.
"What is it?"
"It’s simple to help him cultivate 10 thousand killer whales. We need to build an army that will absolutely shock the deep sea." The sea monster shrugged.
"Ten thousand killer whales beast? Are you kidding? Don’t say that 10,000 heads are estimated to be a problem. Where can there be such a thing as killer whales and beasts in the sea of China? There are killer whales, but do you need them? " Although Eric Suen Yiu Wai White is a word difference, killer whales and killer whales are two concepts.
Killer whales are ordinary animals, but killer whales and beasts are monster beasts. In the past, there were many killer whale knights riding killer whales and beasts in the navy.
"Well, I don’t care if I get the message. If you can’t do it, rest here. Anyway, I won’t lose anything." The sea monster smiled and laughed. "See that castle? That’s Poseidon’s residence here. Now let it be used as a laboratory for you. You can study your killer whales and beasts there. When the research is successful, I will naturally take you away from here, otherwise you will never leave for a generation. "
"Can you tell me who the killer whales and beasts are dealing with if B doesn’t plug in the winter? Is it the Four Seas Dragon Palace? Or Odin Temple governs Tjatse, the sea god, and egil, the deep sea god? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked.
"Why do you want to know all this?" The sea monster asks.
"Nonsense, I’m the emperor of heaven, and I’m one of the four dragons’ palaces. If you want to deal with the four dragons’ palaces, I’d rather die than follow" Eric Suen Yiu Wai left the pie mouth.
"Ha ha, that’s easy. You can go to work safely. We are not interested in the Dragon Palace in the Four Seas. We are going to deal with the latter, that is, the sea god Tjatse and the deep sea god egil." The sea monster smiled and laughed.
Hearing this, Eric Suen Yiu Wai secretly scolded 1, "The sea monster is a sea monster with no brains. You answer the question like this according to my words, that is, the silver here is 320 without being pressed. I believe that if you want to dominate the ocean, you will definitely be enemies of the Dragon Palace in the four seas. Although I am not a good dragon king in the four seas, I can’t let you foreigners succeed."
Although I think so in my heart, Eric Suen Yiu Wai still smiles on the surface. "In this case, I will agree to your requirements, but this process requires a lot of materials. I hope you can always and don’t let anyone disturb me, otherwise I won’t be responsible for anything."
"Rest assured that these can promise you" sea monster nodded his head.
"Well, take me to the castle. I’m a stranger and I’m afraid I’ll get lost." Eric Suen Yiu Wai said lightly.
He has already thought it over. Now that it’s time to leave this hellhole, it’s better to help yourself catch more powerful monster beasts, and then to upgrade Teddy boy’s strength. At the same time, further strengthen Dong Bingyan, vigorously the ghost king and Ao Bufan’s body, and then they can be resurrected immediately after their souls return.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s current ability to synthesize skills to produce strength is equivalent to the strong in the pre-quasi-holy period, which is the limit.
But now he has Taoist Dan and Ou Ye at his side to help.
The special elixir refined by Taoist Dan’s alchemy can increase the strength of the immortal twice, so that the pre-quasi-holy period can be temporarily changed to the post-holy period, even if you meet the sea monster, you will have a fight strength.
If you add the magic weapon carefully created by Ou Ye, the strength will increase greatly. At that time, let alone a sea monster, even if B is not stuffed with winter, it may not be able to keep him.
It’s planned that after Eric Suen Yiu Wai was sent to the castle by the sea monster, he will strengthen the promotion of Teddy boy.
There is a Camilla equivalent to the pre-quasi-holy strength and a quasi-holy peak Drakula in Hundun, which is definitely the best material to improve the strength of A Fei.
If Li Drakula and Camilla cultivate Tianma, they can certainly cultivate tens of millions of terrible blood horses, but if they only strengthen Alfy, they can directly raise Alfy’s strength to the level of Drakula or Camilla. The only thing to pay attention to is that if the elevation is too high at one time, the body may be unbearable and all previous efforts will be wasted.
"By the way, it’s not only Camilla and Drakula, but also a quasi-holy mid-Han Zhuo. What Han Zhuo is best at is water control, that is, he is very proficient in water magic and good at swordsmanship. These are all things that Eric Suen Yiu Wai doesn’t have, and teddy boy doesn’t have. Now it’s just to determine how to benefit these synthetic materials." Sometimes there are more materials and troubles, but it’s just happiness and troubles.
After careful consideration, Eric Suen Yiu Wai thinks that Drakula’s ability is more suitable for increasing vitality, while Han Zhuo’s ability is more suitable for attacking and increasing teddy boy’s water warfare ability. Should it be better than Camilla or keep it for the time being? He really wants to integrate Camilla’s ability into Dong Bingyan’s body, so his woman can avoid many dangers.
Chapter 175 Lihai Monster handles affairs by himself
Chapter 175 The sea monster does things by himself
Now that I’m planning on it, Eric Suen Yiu Wai doesn’t want to delay any more, so he will soon work for himself.
Of course, to avoid B’s suspicion that he still pretended to let the sea monster catch a lot of killer whales and monster beasts equivalent to Taiyi Xuanxian realm.
However, there are too many powerful monster beasts on the seabed that are different from those on land. Even the ancient animal training ground is afraid that it can’t be compared with here. The sea monster was so happy that he even helped Eric Suen Yiu Wai catch two jellyfish beasts equivalent to the pre-quasi-holy strength and ten giant crocodiles equivalent to the realm of picking Jin Xian.
Seeing these things, Eric Suen Yiu Wai can’t help but feel that he has worked hard to synthesize and demonize, but he has only created a few pre-saints’ helpers. However, people’s sea monsters went out for a turn and caught two heads and came back. It’s really that people are stronger than people’s popularity. I really can do anything.
In fact, the synthesis of killer whales and beasts is very simple. The condition given by the sea monster is that the killer whales and beasts must have the amphibious warfare ability, and the strength requirement is not high, just have the realm of Luo Tianxian.
One Taiyi Xuanxian realm monster beast can synthesize a hundred-headed Luo Tianxian realm monster beast, and the number of killer whales required is enough for Eric Suen Yiu Wai to synthesize at will.