"General, you really don’t consider the joint navy?" Major General William Groel is worried that "Heidi Selim’s personal prestige has surpassed that of you and General Hindenburg after orkney’s victory. It seems reckless to choose to go it alone."

"It is easy to disintegrate the political alliance between Prince Max and Prime Minister Hardelin by involving Selim. There is a good chance to kill the old man who is hiding behind these two men, but I refuse!" With ludendorff’s cold tone, darts plopped into the photo of Prime Minister Hardelin. "Groel’s sentence can you understand that I have no confidence to snatch the leadership from Heidi Selim. Selim is not a good politician, and this is exactly what I fear most!"
Ludendorff left the western front without saying a word. The army is secretly moving towards the Turkish border. The secret removal of the Berlin garrison command belongs to the emperor of Hindenburg. The director is very busy.
When ludendorff left the dimly lit office, Major General William Groel touched the photos with darts pinned on the wall, shook his head and whispered softly, "Is it because Heidi Selim is not a qualified politician to conduct political exchange, or do you feel threatened by the navy and regard Selim as a powerful opponent, or do you have no interests to impress a pure soldier at all?" to be continued
The second gun Chapter 13 mutiny (3)
A lot of bootleg goods are my own deduction, which can’t be regarded as history.
In June and July, the political situation in Berlin was turbulent. Due to the diplomatic difficulties, German Emperor William had to announce his abdication. Hindenburg, the chief of staff of the Imperial Army, Max the Regent, and Friedrich von Hedling, the Prime Minister, divided up the emperor’s abdication, and left the power to really control Berlin around the empire.
On June 11, Prince Marx became the Regent of the Empire, which marked the entry of this ancient and young empire into the brief era of the Big Three.
The troika’s control of the empire does not mean that the empire has settled down. The so-called Big Three are just some political forces of the empire colluding forcibly based on their own interests. They have no definite political program, extremely reject militarism and lose the loose political alliance of the social party. Although they have been criticized, they can agree with each other. After the emperor, the struggle for the interests of the empire has become more intense.
The ín zhǔ party, which was expelled from the society, demanded the complete eradication of the imperial system and restarted the Congress, but did not say a word about the military dictatorship of some soldiers in the empire; The navy, small and medium-sized businessmen and university professors have never been determined to get involved in the Berlin turmoil. It is only by Erpitz that a small party has been formed to fight for the navy. Heidi Selim, the political leader who should be duty-bound for the navy, is more competitive with the sea.
After driving away the emperor, the big three waited carefully for the forces from the navy and the society, but I didn’t expect the navy to reach a limited consensus on Berlin’s ambitions only for the naval and army’s naval battle plan ín zhǔ Orkney Islands, and I didn’t expect that the Yinzh incarnation party, which launched the huge Schleswig rebellion society, would lose its head at the crucial moment and let go of the military dú ái and aim at Prince Marx.
After losing external pressure, the Big Three quickly fell into a state of partial split, supporting the political forces of the Big Three to reshuffle their political resources secretly, and gradually dividing and reorganizing their political resources. The German Supreme Command has had militaristic soldiers since ancient times, and most of the time they are more trustworthy than Hardelin-style civil servants.
At present, Prince Max of Bavaria is in the most awkward position among the Big Three. Of course, some conservative officers’ corps and landlords support him. Both officers’ corps and landlords agree that Hohensolen’s family blood helps the empire to remain pure and desperate to support Bavarians to become German emperors. However, the imperial people are extremely disgusted with the imperial system, and the conservative officers’ corps and landlords’ strength are also slightly insufficient. In the post-Big Three era, the army and zhèng fǔ incarnation have a tendency to abandon the Regent.
After the initial scenery limitation, Prime Minister Friedrich von Heidelin showed a slight successor. Although the empire has a complete system to ensure that Hardelin’s Prime Minister Lech is now in a state of war, including many officials of the zhèng fǔ incarnation, generally believes that limited military dictatorship is necessary and aggressive. Before the Supreme Command, Prime Minister Hardelin had to share with the Supreme Command, which should also belong to the post-Big Three era. Premier Hardelin has been marginalized.
The center of gravity of the Big Three is still the Supreme Command, which is nominally ruled by Hindenburg, Chief of Staff and Minister of the Army. In fact, Berliners are more accustomed to regard General ludendorff, the Supreme Command, as the first of the Big Three, and Hindenburg’s influence is both the strongest and the weakest.
Germans are always used to "choose the wrong person to do what they should do when they are wrong" to evaluate Emperor William’s eye for people, but Hindenburg is not an exception. "Marshal (Hindenburg) is a natural commander in chief." William’s ridicule is more than praise. It is understandable that Marshal Hindenburg is more suitable to be a leader of J Ο ng God than a doer with extremely high policy execution. Most of the time, General ludendorff is diligent behind the scenes and works day and night. However, Marshal Hindenburg’s face is not changed, and he openly steals credit before the stage.
Ludendorff is also an ambitious strategist. The unfair combination of natural law has remained for a long time. At the beginning of the war, there was no aristocratic status, but France was promoted rapidly. ludendorff had to "be attached to the old man who likes excesses and dislikes". Hindenburg realized his ambition and became emperor. After needing the director, ludendorff finally got his dream of making profits, and the overall war made the whole empire sit up and take notice of him. At this time, the banner of Hindenburg was no longer important. By June 1917, ludendorff was no longer satisfied with controlling everything behind the scenes. He was tired of the so-called political interference with the military, and the military director tried his best to drive away the imperial emperor and put the empire into the road of efficient militarism.
Therefore, in the post-Big Three era, Charlottenburg Palace was replaced as the heart of the empire, and the Supreme Command Department was also full of contradictions. The nominal number one and the actual number one of the army were already in a state of fire and water.
After the end of the emperor’s abdication, ludendorff had planned to leave Prince Max, Prime Minister Hardelin, to send Hindenburg to the throne where he could not stand the cold, and put Marshal Hindenburg on the throne. Although he looked like a mediocre old man most of the time, everyone knew that this was an old fox disguise.
In the eyes of the officers’ corps, Hindenburg is a capable and worthy of pity. The old man is often aggressive, but the director of military supplies is dim. In fact, what Hindenburg has to swallow is that ludendorff can still win his honor. The military strongman has not touched his bottom line. The Chief of Staff of the Imperial Army must not accept that there is no restriction on the political ecology. Without restriction, it means that he lacks the ability and he will be completely marginalized.
At this time, the emperor was no longer the only one who could restrict ludendorff’s brute force, leaving only a few people.
Albert, the leader of the social í n zh incarnation party, has been in the empire for many years. His influence has penetrated into all aspects of imperial politics, which can be seen from the unprecedented intensity of the Schleswig rebellion. Unfortunately, there is a huge gap between Albert’s values in Hindenburg, and there is no reason for them to come together.
The naval leader Heidi Selim has many supporters. He has just led the empire to a hundred battles, and the navy has once again won the great sea victory. He sank more than 20 British capital ships and captured four American capital ships in one breath. The love of the imperial people for him has reached its peak. Hindenburg and ludendorff combined are not prestige of Selim alone. Unfortunately, Hindenburg can’t count on this person.
During the three naval political storms, the army and the navy have already made a lot of enmities. It seems that Hindenburg and ludendorff are birds of a feather. If we insist on making a choice between the two men, this pure professional soldier may choose ludendorff, which may be even bigger. After all, ludendorff is more capable than Hindenburg.
Since Hindenburg, marshal of the French navy and social party, can retreat behind the scenes and secretly contact Regent Max and Imperial Prime Minister Hardelin for self-protection.
At this time, ludendorff made a move.
"Whether the citizens’ March in Berlin or the growing rebellion in the north indicates the end of the monarchy, whether it is a constitutional monarchy like Britain or a presidential system like the United States, or the French parliamentary system, this country always needs some changes. When William abdicated, Prime Minister Hardelin, Regent Max and Marshal Hindenburg planned to change the imperial regime. Now Germany has reached a critical moment when it has to take action. I suggest that the empire hold parliamentary elections at the end of this month and the people elect a constituent assembly to decide our future!"
In July, 1917, ludendorff published "To German Compatriots" through Berlin News Agency. The Supreme Command, the German consortium Rhine consortium, and the Iron and Steel Association announced their support for the quartermaster’s industrial trust for the first time, which would profoundly affect the formation of the German storm! to be continued
The second gun Chapter 13 mutiny (4)
I released the Big Three, Hoffman, Albert and the protagonist together. Can you guess who started the mutiny?
Restart the National Assembly to elect the Constituent Assembly!
In July, the whole of Europe in Iraq was frightened by a copy of ludendorff’s "Tell German Compatriots". The Prime Minister of the Empire and the Chief of Staff of the Regent’s Army seemed to be severely slapped in the face. In addition to swearing, their respective offices were left at a loss. German allies Vienna and Rome Istanbul were in a mess. They regarded national unity as more important than life and death. If Germany was dragged down by the allies by a war that could already see the dawn of victory, they would try their best to suppress the idea of laughing in the face and wait for the follow-up with suspicion.
Don’t blame the Allies for being paranoid, unless they are paranoid, even the most optimistic Allies would not have thought that Germany would completely destroy the city wall-there are many cases of war destroying powerful empires ín zhǔ history of mankind’s thousand years of war, but few countries have taken the lead, putting aside the tragic war involving the rise and fall of the country and the nation, exposing the political contradictions of the country to the sun and thinking that the sky is inefficient.
This planet has a beauty advertised as Ziyó u, which is regarded as the last hope of mankind. Even the United States of America will be able to effectively limit the wartime state. The Allies still don’t know that Germany’s seemingly rational body contains violence and perversity. They don’t understand that Germans often make tragic aesthetics against the world posture group. They don’t believe that Germany will hold a political election at this time, which may set off national opposition!
After a few days, the situation became completely clear, and the Allies realized that they had misunderstood Germany-there were always two kinds of people in this empire who were either geniuses or crazy, and Heidi Selim was just an exception.
As soon as ludendorff’s "Telling German Compatriots" came out, various forces in German political circles were wrestling and arguing endlessly in Berlin. Some German officials and military officers came out with a conservative flag to oppose the resumption of parliamentary elections. The Constituent Assembly recognized that those "despicable, dirty buffoons are not qualified to decide the future of the empire" and even more bluntly said that "the empire should not forget to continue to unify from the Teutonic forest". ludendorff was a "socialist accomplice" and Germany was an "out-and-out traitor".
Ludendorff has the support of the Imperial Army, as well as the supporters of the Croatian consortium and the industrial trust who waved the flag and shouted for the reunification of Lian Haijun-the imperial pan-Germans, Small and medium-sized industrialists and businessmen and university professors are all secretly creating momentum in ludendorff-for a long time, J Ο ng, the British who have ruled this empire, are both German landlords and German landlords. The officers are poor and conservative. This empire has retained many factors and militarism that support Germany to stand in the world, but at the same time, it has excluded other forces, including the emerging German consortium and the Rhine consortium, from entering the center of imperial power. Even tycoons who control the economic, financial and industrial lifelines of the empire can call the shots in local councils, not to mention the limited naval support that tycoons have to share.
Ludendorff supporters quickly took over the wind. In the second week of July, Albert came forward as the last straw to overwhelm the camel.
Although ludendorff deprived the north of being involved in the elections in the rebel areas, the branch of the social í n zh incarnation still announced its high-profile support for ludendorff’s determination and praised the director for finally "doing something meaningful from the people’s standpoint".
Albert’s voice just fell in Berlin when * * in the face of surging public opinion, unless Prime Minister Hardelin, Regent Max and Marshal Hindenburg decide to larger foe and mobilize troops to eradicate ludendorff, the anti-ludendorff forces will be forced to surrender by ludendorff’s drastic measures.
"ludendorff allowed them to participate in this congressional election in exchange for Albert’s support while restoring the status of the social ín zhǔ party. At the same time, it cancelled the local elections where the social ín zhǔ party was the strongest, and suppressed the once largest party in Congress. It was as if we didn’t know that the ludendorff Imperial Iron and Steel Association and the consortium industrial trust supported the creation of the Motherland Party last month!" A luxurious room in the Adelong Hotel in Paris Square, Berlin was lit with lights, and the curtain was gently lifted in front of the window sill of Prime Minister Hardelin. A large number of people in Paris Square demanded the resumption of parliamentary demonstrations, and the people continued with a cold hum. "It’s as if we didn’t know that he joined forces with us, Albert rebels, drove away the imperial emperor without bloodshed, and then left the emperor’s shelter and lifted a rock to drop it on our own feet. We wooed the supporters of Selim to support Congress to control the whole imperial abacus through the motherland party on the pretext of Albert rebellion!"
Marshal Hu Hindenburg, with the word Frederick, folded his arms around his chest and quietly shrank the sofa. It seems that he has fallen asleep. Only when Prime Minister Hardelin came to the name of West Lyme did he slightly open his eyes and move his lips.
"But you have to admit that ludendorff’s plan is closely linked, and now we have gone too far in the wrong way. Facing ludendorff’s complete conspiracy to be alone, we really don’t have much choice unless …" Regent Max looked at it and said nothing. Hindenburg, the chief of staff of the army, seemed to be half-hearted. "Unless we resolutely solve the Berlin disturbance!"
"This is impossible!" Hindenburg seemed to be awakened. He looked up faintly and looked at it with a little consternation. He just said the word mutiny. Regent Max shook his head and murmured, "It’s impossible. The officer corps didn’t violate the Teutonic rule, and I won’t allow the army to have a story of desertion!"
"Marshal, we don’t have much time!" Hardelin interrupted Hindenburg speech at the army j and jīng god leader shouted.
Marshal Hindenburg immediately put back silence in the sofa.
"After ludendorff mastered the army, General Hoffman, the headquarters of the West Line Army and the East Line Command, has been unable to deal with us in ludendorff, but he can plan an accident. General Hoffman took control of Berlin and killed some speculative points that tried to introduce the empire into the military." Prince Marx finally tore his gentle veil, and his position was the most embarrassing among the three giants. He had to keep his handle and take a risk. He clenched his fist and stared at Marshal Hindenburg in the previous step and said, "After cleaning, you will come forward." Pacify the army general Hoffman to replace ludendorff’s current position and promise enough resources to the navy and Heidi Selim, and then the empire will return to the right track. If General Selim and the ocean fleet return to war, there will not be much change. The British law supports the French and Americans to fly over the North Atlantic. At most, we have lost a doer who is not weak in military and economic aspects … "
The luxury room was silent, and Prime Minister Hardelin and Regent Max stared wide-eyed and held their breath anxiously waiting for Marshal Hindenburg to respond.
"So …" Marshal Hindenburg hesitated for a long time, and there was a flash of killing in his swollen eyes. "Just do it!"
The second gun Chapter 13 mutiny (5)
(Going back to my hometown in the afternoon may not be conditional to update)
"West Lyme, I think our navy should also join in and strive for the advantages and status of the navy …"
Lei Deer, chief of staff of the Navy in Port William, talked about persuading Wang Haidi.
At the end of July, the political situation in Germany became more and more strange.
Regent Max, Prime Minister Hardelin and Marshal Hindenburg, Chief of Staff of the Army, never let go of the opportunity to vilify the parliamentary election, criticizing ludendorff for being used as a gun, which made the social Yn ZH ǔ party unable to take back its previous praise for ludendorff, but it was still mean to be flustered. ludendorff was sitting on the Diaoyutai, and his motherland party’s recent development momentum was fierce, leaving the society with the strongest Yn ZH ǔ party, but it did not elect the leader of the motherland party in the northern region and the first man of the army. William Groel, the most capable member of ludendorff, has been restricted to guarding ZH
In this cruel political contest, the navy, which played an important role in the empire, was restrained by the naval leader Wang Haidi and kept silent from beginning to end.