Lillian then shook my hand with her cold little hand and said gently, "Brother Sigou, I’m worried that Lillian will be satisfied to see you again. I guess Zhou Fuxuan still doesn’t know who I am. He sent evil spirits to me last night, and I’m afraid someone got in the way. If I guess correctly, the person who got in the way is the village grandmother."

In a word, Xiao Lian, the dreamer, is right. The eccentric grandmother has been hostile to Xiao Lian since she first saw her, and she doesn’t know what’s wrong with this wife. It is because Xiao Lian is not pleasing to the eye that her brother Sun Banxian was seriously injured by Xiao Lian’s black worm. It is also reasonable to retaliate against Xiao Lian last night.
I was very worried when I saw that Nellie was determined to leave here. I advised her not to go in such a hurry to see the situation. Besides, I couldn’t do it. I would never leave with her again. Nellie finally agreed. I could see that she was reluctant to leave. I wanted to leave here because I had to.
The two Tianhe Dragon Villages have resumed to be calm. Liu Gengui’s death in this small mountain village caused quite a stir, but as time went by, it was gradually forgotten by people. Few people made a comeback. Liu Xicai and his wife were so angry that they couldn’t wait to put Nellie into the ten layers of hell at once. Zhou Fuxuan paid for it, but they didn’t see what happened to Nellie. Liu Xicai was unwilling to run to Dagushan Town for three days.
Grandmother also goes to Liu Xicai’s house every now and then. Every day, I am more convinced that Xiaolian guessed that Zhou Fuxuan was invited by Liu Xicai to deal with Xiaolian because Grandmother gave me a broken mouth.
These two days, I have nothing to do, so I secretly followed this wife. I was thinking of finding a dark night for a month. I took advantage of this wife’s unprepared sap to teach her a lesson, and she also gave me the evil spirit in my heart.
I admit that I’m not proud of this, but I really can’t swallow this tone and I can’t take care of so much. In the past two days, I’ve been going out for a walk after dinner, and I’m carrying a beer bottle in my hand. If Grandmother comes out late, I’ll break the bottle in the dark to scare her.
Everything comes to him who waits. After two nights, she finally saw this wife walk out of the house tonight. Grandmother didn’t see her wear brand-new clothes before she left the house tonight. After she left the house, she carefully looked mysterious, like a small dragon going out to steal things and seeing people everywhere. Grandmother blinked her eyes and went straight to the entrance of the village along the dirt road.
I want to throw a beer bottle over to scare the old dead woman, then turn around and leave, only to find her so mysterious, as if I were in a hurry to meet someone, and my curiosity came to me.
Chapter 19 Eat the human brain alive
Grandmother Sun walked along the dirt road in the village to the entrance of the village to see if she was going out of the village. I quietly followed her for fear of being noticed by her, and tried to keep her pace as light as possible.
After leaving the village, Grandmother’s footsteps became faster and she walked to the mountains outside the village. I was puzzled when I saw it, and I thought, What is this wife running to the mountains in the middle of the night? You know, all the people living in this mountain village are really in awe of the deep forests nearby, and there are many sayings in the mountains, such as a monster with a lion’s head and a fox sucking men’s seminal blood. I have been told by this saying since I was a child. In the past two years, people have disappeared from time to time in these nearby villages, and they have never come out since they entered the mountains. The old people in the village said that it was the goblins in the mountains, and those people were used by goblins to practice Taoism.
It seems to me that it’s doubtful that Sun Po ran into the mountains alone late. She is walking along the rugged mountain road. I’m going to go back there. It’s hard to say whether there are goblins or not, even in case of wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, but my strong curiosity drove me to see what Sun Po Mountain was doing.
The mountain road is difficult. Grandmother stumbled up the mountain. I followed her for a long time under the cover of night. I followed her to a flat area where the mountains are high and dense. At night, the autumn wind is blowing and swaying, and the branches are ringing. From time to time, one or two yellow leaves float in the mountains. The wind thieves are blowing so hard that I can’t help but get a thrill.
At this time, Sun Po’s small yellow eyes swept around from time to time. When she saw a low bush, her eyes lit up and she hurried over. She stretched out her hand and dialed the messy branches, revealing a hole with a diameter of more than one meter.
Grandmother coughed and bent down and got into the cave. I can see clearly in the dark that this wife is familiar with this cave. She should often go in and out to find out. I went to the mouth of the cave with courage and took a look inside. I couldn’t see anything clearly. When I smelled the nose, there was a smell of urine and a stench of rotting corpses from time to time. I quickly pulled my collar and covered my nose and mouth.
I don’t know how deep this cave is, but listening to Grandmother’s footsteps getting farther and farther, I can’t hear it gradually. I am afraid that I will lose my heart and bend down into the cave.
When I can walk around my waist, I can get up and walk not far away. I am surprised to find that the cave is getting wider and wider as it goes inside, about three or four hundred meters away. Suddenly there is a bend in front of me, and there is light coming out at the other end of the bend.
I crept past and clung to the stone. I just wanted to poke my head out to see the situation around the bend when I heard a middle-aged man screaming "Ah".
It’s a terrible cry. I can’t imagine how painful torture can make a man cry so miserably. My heart trembled and I carefully poked my head out to the other side of the corner.
The corner is very spacious. There is a big house with a big stone burning some big candles. The light just came from candles. When I look at the scene in front of me with this light, I almost exclaim that I saw two 40-and 50-year-old men kneeling with their hands tied behind rattan. One of them kept screaming and looked at his calf. One of them had lost a little flesh and showed a white calf bone. A huge pattern was opening his mouth and devouring his other calf!
Giant Mang kept wriggling, with his thick body in his mouth and his calf just swallowed, and soon he spit it out. He stood up and shook his head and looked at this unlucky man. The man was in pain and couldn’t stand it any longer. He knelt down and plopped down and cried tears, mixed with his face and sweat. He had just been swallowed by giant Mang, and his calf was as bone as the other leg.
At this time, Grandmother Sun was standing on the side with her head down, and the atmosphere was afraid to show that the man was dragging two legs without flesh and blood. She cried out in pain and cried to another man to kneel and watch this scene. She was so scared that she shivered and sweated and almost fainted. At this time, the giant mang twisted her body, which was as thick as an adult’s waist and covered with bright patterns, and then looked at her head. There was a chicken coronasarcoma on her head, and the blood red was even more ferocious. At this time, she stared at another kneeling man and shook her head for a few times, suddenly opened her mouth and swallowed the man’
I quickly closed my eyes and couldn’t bear to look at this tragic picture again. These two men look familiar to me. They are not our Helong village, but they must be nearby villages. No wonder many villagers have disappeared after entering the mountains in the past two years. It seems that nine times out of ten they are dead. This is a strange hand!
After more than ten seconds, I heard my ears screaming again, and I couldn’t help but steal a look over there. At that time, I looked silly. I saw that the giant man’s head was loose and his huge body flashed away. The man’s head was left with Bai Sensen’s skull and a pair of eyes staring straight. How strange it was to hold a good skull, and the man would not die for a while. This horror really made people feel sad.
Looking at the ground, two men who were worse than dead cried, dad shouted, mom screamed, and Grandmother couldn’t help shivering all over. She didn’t even dare to look at the giant mang, just like the maid-in-waiting around the emperor.
The giant mang suddenly stood up straight and twisted in waves. After only a few seconds, she turned into a graceful young girl, where she was graceful and charming, just like a fairy, and people could not help sighing.
When Sun Po saw this, she quickly knelt down and murmured, "Grandmother Sun Guixiang is here to see you!"
This giant mang turned into a girl’s charming little face with a chuckle, as gorgeous as a peach blossom blooming in early spring. "These two shameless men are greedy for my beauty and have to come to the cave with me to achieve good things. It’s up to Sun Guixiang to see you."
Grandmother nodded and promised to pick up a bloody axe from the ground and came near the two men.
"Grandmother, we have lived in the village next to the village for so many years. I didn’t expect you to be a group with this snake spirit. I didn’t see that you were such a snake-hearted person. I won’t spare you when I get back!" The man whose two calves were swallowed to the bone said angrily that listening to his trembling voice was more timid than angry.
Grandmother Sun chuckled and her yellow eyes gave me a fierce look. "Hum, you didn’t have a chance to go back. I’ll take you two tonight to increase your skill to my grandparents. Blame you for being unappreciative and daring to move your heart to my grandparents."
Grandmother said, holding her axe high in her hand and chopping it hard at their heads, she split the two poor men’s skulls to pieces in a few minutes. Grandmother took arm in arm, stretched out her hand and pulled out one of the men’s brains. She respectfully sent her hands to the girl and said, "Please eat it while it’s hot."
The girl reached out and took the steaming brain and ate it with a small mouth. It didn’t take long before she ate a clean brain, and Grandmother graciously sent another man’s brain. The girl ate the brain as skillfully as eating an apple, and in an instant two fresh brains were eaten by her.
I watched my stomach turn straight and tried not to spit it out. I couldn’t accept what I saw tonight. I never thought that Grandmother Sun, who loves to tell ghost stories, was actually with this evil snake spirit. Now I am more afraid that there is such a demon living in the village. It’s really scary to think about it.
Now I’m thinking of burning incense and staying here again. Once I’m discovered by this headstrong snake spirit, I won’t rape my pure virgin first, then kill her, then rape her and then kill her. I don’t want to take my body to give it yang and yin. Thinking of this, I quietly turned around and prepared to leave this place.
I just turned around and heard the girl speak again. "Sun Guixiang, I told you how things are going. Did the ghost named Xiaolian choke up with Zhou Fuxuan?"
Chapter 20 Escape from birth
As soon as I heard this, I quickly stopped. I really doubt that I heard it wrong. Why did this python snake essence also play Nellie’s mind?
Grandmother Sun said, "Grandfather and Grandma are almost done. I have asked Liu Xicai in the village to find Zhou Fuxuan. Zhou Fuxuan is trying to deal with Xiaolian. Don’t worry, they will soon be beaten to death."
The "girl" giggled and said, "Zhou Fuxuan’s leather drum is a treasure. I must get that female ghost named Xiaolian, who has been practicing for more than 100 years. Her physical body is a good thing that can help me increase my skill. Even if I eat a thousand human brains, I’d better eat her physical body. When you get back, keep an eye on Xiaolian and don’t let her slip away."
Grandmother promised me to hide in the dark again and again, and I could hear clearly. This headstrong snake spirit is too cruel and can actually turn into a human form. It must be very shallow. Now it’s playing Nellie’s idea. Is that so good? I’m in a hurry to get out of here and tell Nellie about it so that she can be prepared.
I don’t even know which leg to take first. Now my brain is in a state of chaos and I’m in a hurry to walk in the direction of the mouth of the cave, but I just stepped out of a few steps and it was a tragedy. My foot slipped on a round stone, my center of gravity was unstable and I plopped down.
It was a terrible fall. I resisted the pain and didn’t dare to scream, but when I fell, the sound still shocked the "girl" and Grandmother. After hearing the sound, the "girl" twisted her waist and rushed over to me. Grandmother also rushed over with blood and brains.
At this time, they were only a few meters away from me. I shouted, got up and stumbled and ran to the mouth of the cave. Otherwise, people would be driven out of Liu Xiang by wolves. Now I want to escape and run to the mouth of the cave desperately.