At this time, Tang Yan also took her to buy the jade and went forward to say with smile, "Uncle, I also have a gift for you."

Jiang Huangda looked at his father and smiled, but he couldn’t say he was proud, as if to say, hey hey, dad, don’t you think it’s amazing that your son and I have a girlfriend outside without wasting money and someone always buys you something?
This makes Xu want to give him a punch.
Wait until Tang Yan finished giving gifts. Jiang Huangda laughed. "Come on, let’s go in …"
Before Jiang Huangda finished speaking, Xu suddenly laughed. "Wait a minute. I also have a gift for Uncle Jiang. We just bought a gift together. Now why don’t you let me send it?"
From the very beginning, Xu was ready to give a gift to Jiang Tianjian to prove his treasure-hunting ability, and then surprised Li Dili and others, letting them know who is a loser and who is the lowest.
Xu Yuan wanted to give Jiang Tianjian two certificates, but now he took ten directly from his pocket.
These ten pieces were put in Xu’s pocket just now.
It was when Xu said this that Jiang Huangda, Li Zizi and Tang Yan’s faces changed.
Xu really wants to give that junk as a gift to Jiang Tianjian?
Didn’t he hit Jiang Huang Da in the face?
Jiang Huangda frowned and said, "Don’t make trouble, ok?"
Li Zi-ji wanted to give a good scolding, but because of the future father-in-law, he must keep a good image here and must not mess around.
Xu Gen ignored Jiang Huangda and directly took out ten dirty ancient coins from his pocket and went to Jiang Tianjian with a smile. "Jiang Shu, these ten copper coins are the gifts I sent you. You must accept them."
Jiang Tianjian stared at the ten copper coins in front of him and didn’t know which one was playing.
The sven man raised an eyebrow and looked at this ancient coin. It seems that this ancient coin is not as simple as scrap metal, but at the moment, I can’t see what is the difference between this ancient coin, so I twisted my eyebrow and looked at Xu.
Chapter one hundred and fifty Li Xiaoping details
Xu looked at the ten ancient coins in his hand and said, "Jiang Shuke can take a closer look."
Jiang Tianjian saw that Xu was serious, but he still took over the ten ancient coins.
The sven man also adjusted her nose and turned her head to look up.
These ten ancient coins really look broken and have no great profit value.
Even if these things are scrapped, they will never be too small.
Jiang Tianjian frowned and said, "Is there anything special about this thing?"
The gentle man raised an eyebrow and said, "There are some special feelings, but it seems to be really broken."
Jiang Huangda felt his face humiliated and said angrily, "Hey, why are you making trouble here when I take you to our house?"
Li Zi, who wanted to help her father-in-law, also shouted angrily at Xu, "What do you want to do?"
Although Xiaoyue knows that Xu has money, it is two different things to have money and know how to finish antiques. Now Xiaoyue feels very embarrassed.
Xiaoyue certainly won’t blame Xu for thinking about leaving this place quickly.
However, Xu seems to have no intention of leaving. "Uncle Jiang asked if you have a bowl of water at home?"
Although Jiang Tianjian already felt that Xu was a little impolite, the famous shopping mall gentleman said that he was still not angry and said, "Huang Da, go get a water bowl for your friend."
Sven raised an eyebrow and said, "Young man, did you clean the rust on this ancient coin?"
Xu laughed. "You guess it’s true."
Sven raised his eyebrows and asked, "What’s so special about this ancient coin?"
Xu laughed. "You’ll see."
Sven people smell speech at Jiang Tianjian and say with smile, "Let’s also talk about this antique thing. It happens that such an interesting thing happened. I have already been intrigued. I want to see what’s wrong with this ancient coin face."
Jiang Tianjian smell speech zheng also no way "you mention it, I’m really aroused the interest"
See Jiang Huang Da there like a pillar don’t know move Jiang Tianjian frown way "what are you doing here? Go quickly? "
Although Jiang Huangda didn’t want to hear Jiang Tianjian say this, he could still stare at Xu bitterly and then reluctantly walked into the kitchen. He really regretted bringing Xu here. He had never been so humiliated.
Soon Jiang Huang Da came along with a water bottle and a porcelain flower bowl.
Xu Jiang took it and put it on the table.
Xu took the ten ancient coins and put them in a bowl.
Jiang Huangda immediately shouted, "This is our family’s eating bowl. How can you put such dirty coins?"
This time, Jiang Tianjian, who has been waiting for Xu Kou, has lost his voice. "You are really not academic! People are cleaning ancient coins! "
Jiang Huang Da smell speech suddenly knew that he had lost his neck and dared not speak again.
Jiang Tianjian saw that Xu poured water into the bowl and couldn’t help but have a lot of interest. "Young people also know how to clean up money embroidery?"
Xu put the water bottle aside and smiled like a few treasures. "There are several ways to clean ancient coins-mechanical method: that is, knife, brush, needle picking or dental things are used to pick, pick, peel and brush the coins to get rid of rust. This method should pay attention to moderate weight, but it is not suitable for more precious ancient coins."
"Second, dry brush method: when copper rust or rust is attached shallowly, you should try to avoid chemical means such as vinegar bubbles, but you can change the dry brush method to make the money lines clear. Choose a large oil painting pen and cut some brown hair on the pen head to transport it. First, fix the ancient money to be brushed on the glass plate, grab the root of the oil painting pen and brush it evenly, otherwise it will be bad, and then wash it with water."
"This method is the third method for me."
Xu said with a smile, "My method is called water immersion method. Ancient coins sometimes cover up a layer of soil rust that can’t be washed away. At this time, you can first put ancient coins into a bowl and then pour water at a temperature of ℃9℃. When the coin body is submerged for a while, take out the money and brush it with a small brush. When the coin body is dried in the shade, it will encounter severe soil rust. Ancient coins can also heat the water and exult to make the soil rust fall off."
See Xu said seriously at that time, Li Zi and others were actually fooled.
Tang Yan asked aside, "but if you want to soak in this way and wait for it to dry in the shade, how long will it take?" Shall we all wait here all the time? I’m afraid it will be dark when the results come out. "
Xu Wenwen smiled and said nothing.
Li assiduously said that Xu couldn’t give the answer and cried, "You can’t give the answer, can you?" You are delaying everyone! "
Jiang Huang Da also shouted at Jiang Tianjian, "You just let him wave?"
Jiang Tianjian is really anxious to slap Jiang Huang Da now.
"If your head can be half as good as others, I won’t worry!"
Jiang Tianjian hate iron not to produce tunnel "didn’t you hear people say it takes so long to clean up soil rust? Uncle Li and I are both antiques players. Do we still need to wait for the soil rust to be cleaned up before we can recognize it? We can identify this ancient coin immediately if it shows a little true face! "
This is a very simple truth, and it sounds complicated. Although Jiang Huang Da was swept over, he still had some disappointments.
But he has nothing to do. There is always a way to make him angry.
Xu smiled and soon took out ten ancient coins from the bowl.
The water in the bowl is not so hot after ten ancient coins have been soaked for a while, but it has to be staffed
After taking out the ancient coins, Xu took out a coin from his arms and immediately peeled off a lot of soil rust with a gentle operation.
Although it has not been cleaned up completely, this ancient coin has already shown some features.
Sven people can’t wait to pick up the ten ancient coins and push the bridge of the nose glasses frame for a long time and then suddenly raise your eyebrows.
Jiang Tianjian’s attention was also attracted by these ten ancient coins.
"Do you see it?"
Sven people laughed. "If you can’t see it again, you and I will be able to pierce it."
Jiang Huangda aside was scratching his head and scratching his ear canal. "What do you see? Isn’t this ancient coin broken? "
Jiang Tianjian snorted, "This ancient coin is Jianzhong Tongbao! Stay in the Tang Dynasty! "
"When did you stay in Jianzhong Tongbao in the Tang Dynasty?"
Jiang Huangda and others all froze.
Sven people slowly said, "This Jianzhong Tongbao is a local coinage in the middle-aged northwest of Li Shijian, Tang Dezong. In the Central Plains, it is rare to find Kuqa, but there are many unearthed coins. The foundry is sloppy and the four-character’ Jianzhong Tongbao’ has two forms: large and small. Nowadays, the world is not much and it is hard to find."
Jiang Huangda paused. "So … how much is this Jianzhong Tongbao?"