However, in this match with FP, Yun Ge found a problem. With the increase of the number of times, it is easy to be targeted by the opposing coach. Even if they don’t necessarily know why Yun Ge will choose these heroes, Ban will be finished.

For example, recently IG made too many times to endure the thorn array and was targeted by the horse coach. I’m afraid he may also know that Ning Wang Mantis and Baolan Paikegan are not eligible for a Ban position, but he is still Ban.
The Ban position is mainly to make the other side unhappy. Although the horse coach can’t figure out what Yun Ge likes to send grams to Baolan, it will definitely make you feel uncomfortable if I Ban.
I’m relieved that you feel uncomfortable. This is the most basic idea of the tactical game between the coaches of both sides, but it’s not as complicated as expected.
But if there was an [assassin changing his job] in the cloud singer at that time, the situation would be completely different. Even if Parker was Ban Yun Ge, he could easily make up five [assassins] arrays. It would be a big deal to give an assassin to Baolan Bloom …
Now in front of Yun Ge, taking ordinary equipment immediately can directly increase the strength of the players, but that shovel is even more important for the BP game after the IG team
Yun Ge simply thought about it and quickly locked in the [golden shovel]. For a coach, BP is the most important thing. Which is more important, Yun Ge or white?
However, after the election, an interface reappeared in front of Yun Ge. If you look closely, it turns out that the equipment synthesis path [golden shovel] and [storm sword] can synthesize a lot of equipment.
[You Meng Ling needs a gold shovel and a storm sword to synthesize]
[Equipment attribute increases the player’s operating ability by 5% and turns the hero into an assassin]
[Broken king blade needs a combination of a gold shovel and a storm sword]
[Equipment attributes increase the player’s operating ability by 5% and transfer the hero to swordsmen]
[The sacred sword needs a combination of a golden shovel and a big storm sword]
[Equipment effect increases the player’s operating ability by 5% and transfers the hero to the position of God]
[Aegis soldiers need a combination of a gold shovel and a storm sword]
[Equipment effect increases the player’s operating ability by 5% and transfers the hero to Aegis warrior]
Yun Ge drooled after watching four job-changing equipment. Unfortunately, he was able to choose one of the four. Yun Ge first ruled out "Broken King Blade" and "Aegis Warrior".
Because these two fetters have not been triggered by Yun Ge, and I don’t know the strength of the fetters, but [Assassin] and [God] are the fetters of IG conventional array. These two must be taken.
Whether to choose [Assassin] or [God] Yun Ge is a little hesitant. These two arrays have a good fetter effect and Yun Ge has just suffered from stabbing. It seems that taking assassins is a good choice.
But Yun Ge has carefully put the assassin in the sapphire body if he wants to turn the conversation, which is a bit not worth the loss. He really doesn’t deserve the equipment for a pendant.
Heshy, Rkie and Ashui Henning are all not equipped with sapphire. Why should they be the first to get equipment? This is unreasonable.
It’s not the same if you turn to the gods. Now there is a water in the array, not a god. The so-called man is a ghost. Dou Xiu looked back and saw that there was a water being beaten
Besides, Yun Ge thinks that the attribute of "God" is really suitable for Ah Shui. Although it is a rear AD, he can easily trigger the condition of "God" residual blood. From this point of view, Ah Shui needs a God to turn very much.
After thinking white, Yun Ge will no longer hesitate to directly choose to synthesize [Holy Sword] for Ah Shui. Jack’s first equipment is to synthesize it for you. Don’t say that Dad doesn’t love you.
"Yun Ge coach! Coach Yun Ge! "
After synthesizing the equipment, Yun Ge suddenly heard someone calling him to look up and go to the lounge. People had already left July 7th. heshy went for an interview. Rkie and Ning Wang went to wash their hands and play with their mobile phones in the corner.
And Ah Shui is Yun Ge’s side. Just now, Ah Shui called him. Before Yun Ge looked at him, Ah Shui’s eyes were slowly full of love. Ah Shui might not know that someone had just paid him silently.
Father loves words (dog head)
"What’s the matter? What can I do for you? "
"President Wang just left in advance. He asked me to tell you that you can go directly to the hotel for a big meal later. He has reserved a seat."
It turns out that President Wang has long since slipped away from Yun Ge’s synthetic equipment. Maybe his good sister is still waiting for him. President Wang left in a hurry.
Yun Ge’s expression is very so-called that the boss and they are two worlds apart. It’s normal to be busy at all, or it’s more practical to have a big meal.
President Wang really doesn’t have to say this. Although he likes to be a shopkeeper of cutting, he won’t be stingy at all when he is generous. He really didn’t forget that he would invite the whole team to dinner to win the game.
"Ok, I see. As soon as you finish the interview, we will go to dinner together to celebrate a hard-won victory today."
"Good coach Yun Ge"
Ah Shui is clever and nodded his head. Actually, the best performers of the IG team are Ah Shui and Rkie. They are even more like good babies than Baolan, and BP is also very obedient.
After eating a big meal, the IG players were in good spirits. Yun Ge didn’t let the players drink. He didn’t like drinking and didn’t want the players to drink alcohol, which was very destructive to a player.
Although League of Legends professional league has just started, there is not much difference between sports and unified sports. Alcohol is more lethal to professional players.
As we all know, the competition of professional players is not the physical quality, but the speed of brain operation, even the hand speed is very big with the brain.
Alcohol does great harm to the brain and nerves, and it will become slow to respond if you drink too much. It may not be a big problem for an ordinary person, but it is very fatal for professional players who require a few seconds to respond.
Even if the table doesn’t drink, everyone eats very heartily. After all, it’s the boss’s treat to have a big meal without spending money. Of course, I’m very happy, and today’s victory in the game and the defeat of the strong enemy FP are very worth celebrating.
After returning to the base, Yun Ge did not urge the players to continue training, but let them relax a little. It is a fact that Yun Ge has lower training requirements.
Especially on the match day, when the players are tired, sometimes they have to wait in the lounge for a long time before they can compete, and their spirit will become exhausted.
High-intensity training is really good, but it is absolutely not advisable to control high-intensity training. Yun Ge will not reduce the training of players in normal times, but high-intensity training should not be maintained on the day of the game.