Stuart wrote.

Chapter 24 Ding Gu
The guard stretched out his hand
"One hundred yuan"
"Isn’t it always fifty yuan?" Is preparing to take money Zhou Jia one leng stop.
"Money has gone up." The guard shook his head.
"Recently, many people have entered the city, which has caused chaos in the city. Do you want to go in?"
"enter!" Zhou Jia sighed lightly and endured the pain, then pulled out fifty yuan of money and entered the city.
Compared with before, the flow of people in the city has increased significantly, and many patrol personnel have also increased, and it has not been peaceful in the past.
Came to the house Stuart has been neat.
The purple robe is meticulous, the python boots are not stained with dust, and even the messy hair is carefully taken care of.
The whole person looks a lot younger
Zhou Jia one leng is not surprised at his dress, but at his legs.
"Your leg …"
"Changed" Stuart Leiwen chuckled and rolled up his left leg trouser leg to show the metal machinery and stretched out his hand and knocked.
"Dangdang" ring
The alloy leg cost me 500 yuan. The product from a mechanical world is harder than my original leg.
"Unfortunately, it’s not very flexible."
Mechanical world?
Zhou Jia nodded slowly.
It is also normal for all the worlds in the market world to eventually appear in the mechanical world. It is said that there is a mechanical cannon in Huojiabao Department with amazing power.
"Five hundred source stones" he lightly.
"It seems that you are well off."
"It’s a pity that the money was not only for me but also for Aaron and the three of them." Stuart shook his head and didn’t want to talk more.
"Don’t you want to see Dingmen’s legacy? Let’s go."
"Well" Zhou Jia should be
"What’s going on over there?"
"After Ding Men’s death, everything was left to the two sons. They discussed it and decided to sell the inheritance for the source stone before sharing it equally," explained Stuart.
"In recent years, Dingmen, the giant sword, followed the Huo family hunting party to the cloud burial forest many times and left many good things to sell together this time."
"Know that the source is estimated to be in the past. If you want to buy the best source stone, the price will not be cheap."
"Know" Zhou Jia was a clot.
He would be willing to sell iron even if he could get the giant sword.