Su Mo ignored Si Yutang’s eyes and the crowd swept away and knew clearly.

Shi Jian, Junhao and others, all of whom are dimly discernible peaks, are scared, but there is no fear in several people’s eyes, and their eyes are still firm!
Jiang Yushen said, "We don’t have many people left. Don’t act privately to distract us! Or go to the cave for a night as planned. "
"Commander Jiang, why don’t you take a break first to restore your physical strength and spiritual strength?" Someone suggested that
Without thinking about it, Jiang Yu flatly refused, "Time is pressing. Let’s hurry and get there before dark!"
Jiang Yu called again to distinguish one direction and led the people to go first.
Ji Yaoxue gradually slowed down and came to Su Mo’s side and asked anxiously, "Mo, are you … okay?"
Anyway, the blood centipede, the poisonous blood, spilled into Su Mo’s body, and she looked into her eyes.
She is still worried about what harm those poisonous blood will do to Su Mo.
Su Mo shook his head and whispered, "You should be careful if Jiang Yu has a problem with this person."
Ji Yaoxue looked puzzled and frowned. "Although we suffered heavy losses this time, it was an accident after all, and we can’t blame Jiang Yu for being in the ancient battlefield ten years ago and coming back alive. It should be no problem that my father was appointed as the commander."
"It is because he has been to the ancient battlefield that there is a problem."
Sumo said, "It’s impossible for him not to know that the dead remains are in danger, but he acquiesced in others to pick up the bag next to the remains and …"
After a pause, he added, "He didn’t move forward after discovering those corpses!"
Ji Yaoxue, Snow and Snow Cong also realized that there was something strange in this.
Su Mo mused, "I doubt very much that he deliberately let the people in the team die, thus weakening the team."
"but what’s his purpose and benefit?" Ji Yaoxue is puzzled.
Su Mo shook his head. "I don’t know."
"Why don’t we work together to stop him for trial?"
Ji Yaoxue just finished this sentence and shook his head and denied himself frowning and said, "No, now we are exhausted and depressed, and Jiang Yuxiu has the highest state. Even if we join hands, we can’t control him."
Ji Yaoxue suddenly discovered a terrible fact.
If Jiang Yu has a problem, then he is his opponent!
"If you agree, I will suppress him!"
At this time, Su Mo’s stereo sounded bland.
But I don’t know this sound, but this sentence makes Ji Yaoxue’s nervous heart calm down instantly.
Chapter three hundred and forty-two Big Shang Dynasty
Although Ji Yaoxue still doesn’t believe that Su Mo can suppress Friar Zuji, she always feels relieved when she hears this sentence.
This feeling is just like that in the mountains of Cang Lang.
I don’t know what I thought, but Ji Yaoxue’s cheeks suddenly appeared with a blush.
As soon as she was thinking, Su Mo sounded again, "Someone is coming!"
Ji Yaoxue, looking forward along Su Mo’s eyes, didn’t see a figure.
Just as she was wondering in her heart, Su Mo’s eyes were slightly narrowed, and suddenly Yang said, "Everyone stops ahead. There is a group of monks galloping towards this side. Be careful."
The words sound just fell and there was a stir in the crowd.
Fifty monks on their trip have suffered heavy losses, and the remaining dozen monks are exhausted. If people come with malicious intentions, they are likely to run out of luck!
Jiang Yu walked in the forefront with his back to Su Mo’s eyes, and a bit of sen’s cold flank crossed.
Many monks looked forward nervously but didn’t see anything.
There was a burst of rags ahead, which was not audible at first, but later became more and more clear.
Soon, people reappeared, and the horizon was galloping ahead, very fast.
"Commander Jiang, what should I do? It’s not aimed at us, is it?" A monk asked in a low voice with a look of fear.
Jiang Yu didn’t answer that the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted to reveal a cold smile.
A total of more than 50 monks from the other side came to the nearby area in the blink of an eye. Several Zhou guards changed their faces and exclaimed, "Da Shang Dynasty!"