For the Luowanda family, Lin Sisuo learned something from Amelia. The Luowanda Totem Master worships death, worships death and empowers them. They like to collect dead bodies, especially those of the strong, and worship this totem. Many bishops have the bones of the strong.

Want to know Lin momo is building metempsychosis evil dragon worry because of the need to peak the spine of the strong, I accidentally learned that Ma Ningxing has a Luowanda shrine, and suddenly I started to covet Lin momo base. When I studied it for a long time, I made a plan one by one, not only to provoke the hostility between the gods and Luowanda, but also to seek the greatest benefit from it. Who is the Tianzhu fleet now in extreme poverty?
In this plan, West’s father is the key figure. This person used to be a martial brother, Luowanda Temple, and served as the deputy warden. The prisoners in the prison were all recruited by various means to practice martial arts. It is more appropriate to turn this Luowanda prison into a slaughterhouse. Every year, West’s father secretly handles the masters without counting.
The organization of gods doesn’t want to offend Luo Wanda. It’s always safe for both sides to stay out of trouble.
However, forty years ago, there was an incident in which Luo Wanda and the gods organized a conflict, so West’s father was involved, and finally he was lucky enough to live, but he became a cripple so that he could hide in a bloody slum in a new guise. From that day on, he lived and waited for death.
Unexpectedly, because West’s father mastered the mycelium planting technology, he married and had three children.
Although West’s father was depressed for the rest of his life, he pinned his hopes on the children and secretly awarded them, hoping that the three children, Jia Yi Leon, would become a dragon and walk out of the slums.
As a result, West’s father was disappointed, except for the young West, who had the potential to become a martial brother. Leon, the eldest daughter and the second son, did not have this talent. It was for this reason that he doted on the young West a little, which led to West becoming a brother of the twenty-five settlements.
In order to avoid responsibility, West ran out of Ma Ning Star. He was able to eat more or less outside because of that. Today, West already has a three-pole martial brother to deal with ordinary people like Leon.
Leon, I need to talk to you. Come with me.
It was shot far away by West, and a strange sound suddenly sounded in Leon’s ear, which seemed to suddenly come to his mind. Everyone else stayed in wait for a while and looked at the two brothers and didn’t know what to do.
Leon was amazed by West’s powerful ability, and his burly body rose from the gravel. Then Leon followed West to the remote tunnel as if possessed.
They came to the wet tunnel, and West sat down with his back against a stone wall and took out a mycelium smoke bomb to Leon.
They just looked at each other for a long time without moving a step until West broke the silence.
"Brother-in-law sit down and have a rest! I’ve been beating you for years, and I’ve suffered a lot outside. Although I’m a three-pole brother Wu and a first-class mecha, the human base is too large. Brother Wu’s interstellar roots are nothing. I want to talk about something important. "West lit a cigarette and took a drag on himself to ease the embarrassing scene.
"alas! Good luck, Brother Sanjiwu! No wonder the adoptive father values you so much, but what you did in those days was too much. "Leon approached West, and he sighed and lit the mycelium smoke with a fire, frowning and smoking violently."
"Let’s call him a thing of the past! Brother-in-law, where did you bury your father? Did your father go to his origin with you in those days? I want my father to get justice when he comes back this time. "West said, looking carefully to the left and right, this statement involves a lot of secrets. The satellite can’t naturally monitor it. However, there are many strange ways to eavesdrop on intelligence these days. Who knows if there are abnormal conditions? peeping tom likes to pay attention to things in slums.
I came to Lin momo to find West’s father and inquire about the situation. Is it always okay for my father to take revenge? It’s a pity that none of the West’s family has died except Leon.
Lin momo maningxing is very careful in his work. Every step he takes, he will think carefully and not do anything unusual, which makes people suspicious, including those residents who treat their bodies and try their best to behave badly. In daily life, he thinks of himself as West rather than Captain Phantom.
After all, there are many wise men with outstanding abilities in this world. They can restore things through clues. Lin momo is careful when he is away from home. After all, this is a conspiracy. How many people have seen through it?
"What did you say? You want the adoptive father to seek justice because of you? That’s … "Leon stared at each other, but his voice was a little loud and was immediately covered by West.
"My good brother-in-law, you are too long to want to kill everyone! Listen to me, since the old man came from that place, people always left some important things or clues, but the old man never told me these things because he was afraid that I would make trouble. Even when I overheard him, you must help me. I owe the old man a lot, and I have to pay back the debt this time. "West said his thoughts in a low voice, and every word seemed to have a thousand pounds of gravity hitting Leon’s heart, making his burly body tremble constantly.
"Wow, good job"
Leon broke away from West’s hand and said excitedly, "West, you’ve finally looked like a brave man outside for more than ten years. My adoptive father suffered a lot in those years. His greatest wish was that you grow up strong enough to take revenge on him, but my adoptive father once said that you can’t give that thing to you until you reach Brother Wu of Grade 9. I swore an oath that year."
West and the pie mouth "oath? To hell with vows! Do you still believe this all these years? However, since you are my brother-in-law and my eldest brother, I might as well tell you the truth. In recent years, I have made considerable progress in cultivation outside. The interstellar environment is complex and I have to hide my strength. I dare say that I can’t tell anyone about this matter, especially that Ian, or you and I will both die. "
"Yes, I know Ian is the most untrustworthy. Do you really have a grade nine? Adoptive father said that if you can crush this Jin Doudou, you will be a nine-level martial brother. "Leon solemnly picked a metal necklace from his neck. There is a Jin Doudou gold inlaid in the center of the necklace. This era is not valuable, so no one wants to make a necklace."
"Hey? The inspection and repair of the alloy smelted from the five-degree Jinsha is enough. "West speaks of the texture of Jin Doudou, which makes Leon immediately feel that this old man who has been away from home for many years is inscrutable.
See west chock Jin Doudou suddenly dint a little bit of golden flame emerged from the fingertips, followed by Jin Doudou should be broken into gold powder sprinkled on the ground.
Lin momo reached level seven. Brother Wu’s strength is outstanding in spiritual cultivation, but after all, he did not reach level nine. It’s not easy for him to crush the five-degree Jinsha smelting alloy. He secretly squeezed Jin Doudou into powder with the help of a little decomposition power of the sinking blade.
Leon’s eyes widened and he felt his legs twitch. Just now, he didn’t know the depth. He hit a level 9 martial brother master. If it wasn’t for West, he wouldn’t care. I really don’t know how to write the word "dead"
At this time Leon heart andao "how good small promise to this extent? My adoptive father was also a Brother Wu of Grade 9. He described it as impossible for Brother Wu of Grade 9 to enter the earth. Isn’t it easy to have such a person to rule the bloody slums under the cover of it? "
"Come with me to get the adoptive father’s relics. His old man’s house will be very happy if he is alive." Leon led the way and soon the two took out the package from a crack in a tunnel.
Such an important thing should be hidden in such a conspicuous place, which makes Lin momo feel speechless, but the 25th residential area is sparsely populated, and he is not worried about being taken by others.
West didn’t rush to hit the parcel, but sighed gently. "Brother-in-law treats those fifty residents well in front of me. Now the town has a good foundation. You should seriously be the mayor. Don’t think too much about Ma Ningxing’s affairs. In recent months, you can lead everyone to block the tunnel and leave a way out, so you can develop well for several years. I will give you a pill when you have the strength to go out. It will protect you for five to seven minutes."
Leon took the pills handed by West and looked up. Where was the figure around him? He felt his hair stand on end in the lonely tunnel.
Volume 1 Star Wars! Cloud up Chapter 56 Lurking
Lin momo came to a place where no one was packing, and suddenly he was shocked. His two hair tips were like olives with metallic luster on the surface, and he didn’t know what was inside.
"Gee, you can’t see the quality of the strange alloy." Lin momo put his palm on the football, and the eye is dialysis this relic, but it’s a pity that it’s nowhere.
Suddenly there was a flash of golden light in the darkness, and the football was slowly cut out by the golden light.
"Strange what is this plant species?" Lin momo touched the spirit control nine hundred and thirty grains of gray-green hard shell floating into the middle.
When Lin momo was puzzled, 930 gray-green species suddenly gathered together to form a simple picture and produced sounds through resonance.
"Son, when you see these things, believe me. I can’t believe that you have reached the ninth grade. Brother Wu congratulates you. My son, of course, if you are not my son and there is no Leon, this child may not be able to keep a secret, but he can beat the olive box and believe that it will not be weak. Here, I have left the layout of the Luowanda Temple for many years. These materials may not be available, but some important things are unchanged. You should be optimistic." The sound just fell and the picture runs according to a certain law. Lin Siso attentively watches and remembers every change.
Luowanda Temple is divided into three institutions to hide three mindfulness schools. These three institutions are the totem of the sanctions hall in lava prison.
The body of Brother Wu, a senior brother in China Lava Prison, is the source of strength in Luowanda Temple. The school of mindfulness is full of energy. If you want to escape from prison, 734 monks will do the right thing. It is conceivable that once you enter Lava Prison, you will not have a chance to turn over.
It’s scary to hear the name of the sanctions hall. Actually, it’s a place where totem masters come to practice. There are many monks who have been suffering for years. There is no shortage of ninth-grade totem masters who are not sure. Never go to the sanctions hall. Those totem masters hold extraordinary meanings and may not even know how they died.
Totem is a place of worship, and it is also a place where bishops stay. It is more likely to go to this place if they want to get the bones of top experts, but the former Linxi asked to find out the situation of Fox Research Base.
"That’s it? It seems that it is not enough. "Lin momo is a little sorry. West’s father briefly introduced the Maningxing Temple Agency, but what’s the place?
Lin momo really wants to know what the Luo Wanda family, Ma Ning Xing, has? How much are these totem masters who deal with dead bodies all day? How corrupt is the bishop?
Only when you have specific information can you beat the sap with your hands, but Lin momo is relieved on second thought. West’s father is a thug. How can a deputy warden know so many secrets than a nobody who doesn’t have the power in his hands?
930 seeds slowly dispersed, and suddenly the seeds resonated again and again, saying, "My son, these seeds are revenge flowers that I have cultivated for many years. Hahahaha, they peeled off my skin. They thought that I was a skeletal totem device. Fortunately, I saved one hand to escape from the waterway and avenge me. Whoever you are, those crazy people should go to hell. These kinds of thoughts can eat away at the prisoners first and then destroy everything."
This voice is full of hatred. I can hear that West’s father suffered a lot in the past, and that small people can sacrifice it at any time. If you want to live in interstellar space, you must adapt to the law of the strong.
Lin momo’s mouth slightly tilted. He carefully put away these kinds of plants. They may not come to the point that after all, Brother Wu is very dangerous in the prison where lava is released. Ma Ningxing’s people are koo. If ordinary people suffer from this, it would be bad, but it is rare to devour the mind and grow plants. Go back and study them carefully. Maybe it will help to defend against mental attacks.
Nowadays, the sources of destruction are closely connected, and all weapons and objects are packed with hundreds of species, which is even more ridiculous. Moreover, it is very convenient to embed the metal into the destruction with one more piece of destruction debris. Peacock is oppressed these days and hopes that his master will call him out and let him out.
Before Lin momo has made full preparations, he let Roderick go to the heresy shelter in the Xuan world in exchange for rare resources to prepare Tianwei Nine Killings and two kinds of energy potions from the annihilation ball plus the powerful destructive power of Dark Phoenix Silent Gun. Yin people still have some assurance.
Fox research base is full of lights, and the director of the smiling tiger sits leisurely in his chair and puts his legs on his desk, which makes him feel very comfortable and arrogant at the same time, just like those instructors when he is a soldier.
"Sir, Mr. West’s verification is over. He is indeed Lieutenant Victoria. He has won many meritorious deeds in hand combat. He is quite accomplished in mecha manipulation technology. The captain of the first mobile brigade is very caring for his family. He often smokes hyphae and recalls that when he left the army in his hometown, he got a pension of 1.3 million blue gold coins. However, the funds in West’s bank card disappeared. Perhaps, as he said, he bribed medical officers to make false certificates, but we didn’t find that a large amount of money was remitted to the accounts of those medical officers. It is worth noting that they didn’t spend money lavish A guy with some brains will keep the gray income in a corner for at least half a year before he slowly moves the money. He knows best in the army.
"Is there anything else? It is said that the situation in his star field is very tense recently, which makes him hire more people. The list of candidates in West is the best retired soldier and it is rare to have talents with leadership experience! I suggest that he be the new security captain. Do you need a more detailed investigation? " A smiling tiger clicks on the screen to send this passage to all departments.
Although Ma Ningxing Fox Research Base is not obvious, it is in charge of many dark forces. Although the smiling tiger is the head of the personnel department of the base, even the military sent to Ma Ningxing’s garrison lieutenant colonel to give him seven points. It is not easy to pass his approval without rubbing sand in his eyes.
Lin momo is very confident in coming to Ma Ning Star. Even if the verification ability of Fox Research Base is strong, it is doubtful that General Gonvia did a battle in Tenchu Base less than three months ago. However, the Tenchu Fleet has attracted the attention of the bear family. It is true that the fleet of gods does not believe that ships such as Phantom of the Opera can come back alive from the blue line zombie hunt. Relatively speaking, the monitoring in this respect is not as good as that of the bear family and Yan Shuang, who have been secretly engaged in wind and rain recently, resulting in the sense of smell of the gods organization being far less sensitive than usual.
In the afternoon, the smiling tiger got the information of the West Department. West was a ridiculous young gambler. More than ten years ago, Lai Sheng mycelium in the 25th residential area was secretly sold to outsiders. Many people still hold a grudge today. However, after more than ten years outside, West experienced all kinds of life and entered the army, which made him more iron and blood. Now, West has returned to Maningxing to sincerely help the residents of the 25th residential area rebuild their homes and set up a small town with a pension. It is not weak but strong to atone.
"Good, this West has no problem sending him a message to let him go to the officers’ club on time, and he will definitely send a show." A smiling tiger is in a good mood. He is so happy. There are natural reasons why the so-called officers’ club is actually a casino. It is that kind of excitement, not spending a lot of money, but fighting in a semi-real and semi-virtual environment. A lot of money will grow wings and fly into your arms automatically.
"Mr. West, you have a letter." Lin Sisuo took out a second-hand is from her pocket and looked at it.
Ma Ningxing’s mobile network is very high, but to get the information he wants and receive letters, West has to pay hundreds of blue gold coins. Obviously, the investment has paid off. He learned that he was admitted at the first time.
"Help me reply to the director of the personnel department of Fox Research Base and tell him that I will be on time." The fake West walked out of the tunnel only to find that the second-hand truck left the 25th resident and ordered the slum vehicles. Most of them didn’t take pictures. It’s not easy to get a car to return to the literary world. He regretted that he had played cool before Leon and disappeared. He really shot himself in the foot.
West visited the 23rd residential area, and when he came out, he got a suspended skateboard, a temporary means of transportation. There were tens of thousands of satellites outside Maning Star, which was equivalent to tens of thousands of pairs of eyes. He was honest and had plenty of time before work.
In the next ten days, West entered the Fox Research Base and started as a doorman.
If you want to do something, you have to be patient, and Lin momo has gone through so many trials. The most important thing is patience and perseverance. He knows that the director of a smiling tiger observes him. Since the Fox research base is unusual, the director is not a simple person. The interests involved behind it must be more intertwined than the different factions in this research institution. Things are common everywhere.
Otherwise, after observation, Lin momo found that the smiling tiger was in charge of logistics. Hu Youen complained that the smiling tiger wanted to reach out to the logistics department. He had a long hand, and Hu Gen didn’t buy it.
Lin Sisuo also found that Ms. Anna, the leader of the research team on the first floor of the base, had an affair with Hu, and at the same time, a smiling tiger burned passion.
These are all Lin momo’s eyes. I believe that Dahu and a smiling tiger don’t know that they are so close to each other.
Lin momo’s five-story defense on the base is lax. The fifth to tenth floors are not places where ordinary people can go, but the eleventh floor can’t even tell the difference.
Lin momo, who has been lurking for many days, decided to go to the base to test it and see how dangerous the tenth floor is.
Volume 1 Star Wars! Fengyun up. 561 On the way
In the dark and windy month, a figure jumped into the Fox Research Base, and the probe roots didn’t respond, so the figure marched in.
The name Fox is tacky, and there are hundreds of similar institutions in Maningxing. However, no one in Maningxing dares to run wild in this place, and no one dares to offend the staff of the base. Even those local strongmen are told that they are not allowed to wander around the base, otherwise they will die in one word.
All kinds of bizarre theories have influenced the name of Fox Research Base, which has long been well known. It is great for ordinary people to be the boss of the base. It is one of the best people in Ma Ningxing, but they don’t know that Fox Research Base belongs to the famous organization of the Second Galaxy and is an important stronghold and laboratory.