Zhang Guanghe didn’t know Huang Xiuyuan’s hand-eye was borne until he saw the last few signatures of the reply.

These days, although I don’t know whether I agree or not, all the delegates discussed the details of the framework of Lianhe Water Company in detail with Huang Xiu Yuan and Jiang Hailin.
Now that they got the final approval, they immediately decided to discuss it more deeply.
On the other hand, Zhang Tong, who came from Beiping headquarters, also represented Beikong Water and Suiren Company in the exhibition and cooperation negotiations.
Because the company is quite strong, there is not much bargaining place in the contract between the two parties. On the 25th, it is decided to come to the two sides to check the details and check the leaks. It is estimated that the contract can be formally signed at the end of the month.
After continuous negotiations and discussions, the dust finally settled on November 2.
The three parties jointly issued an announcement announcing the meeting.
If the contract between Beijing Water Control and Suiren Company is unexpected and reasonable.
The appearance of United Water has exploded the public opinion, especially the state-owned enterprises, like a blockbuster.
When they saw this plan, they suddenly got cold behind them.
At the same time, it was also caught off guard by the Sao Cao of Suiren Company. Other people’s homes were government-supervised and commercial, but Suiren Company engaged in reverse exercises and directly came to a civilian-supervised and official office.
Moreover, it seems that it can really be done from the operation mode announced at present.
In order to supervise the joint water company, a new company, Robinia pseudoacacia Ant Economic Mutual Benefit Company, was established.
Robinia pseudoacacia and Robinia pseudoacacia are a pair of mutually beneficial symbiotic organisms, and their mutual living mode symbolizes the mutual beneficial symbiosis of the business philosophy of Robinia pseudoacacia Ant Company.
The establishment of United Water will contract the water of all cities to compete with Blue Age and Beijing Controlled Water to jointly run the national water market.
At present, the two northwest cities have negotiated with United Water to introduce the local water company controlled by United Water.
From here, we can see that cities are full of hardships for the big burden of waterworks, and they can’t wait to throw the water company to United Water immediately.
In the aspect of United Water Company, the main employees of the company were merged by former Chang ‘an Water Company and Jinyang Water Company to form United Water Corporation.
Jiang Hailin of Suiren Company and Zhang Guanghe, a representative of Shandong Province, joined hands to rectify and build a joint water management layer.
On the other hand, Robinia pseudoacacia Ant Company is also preparing to send professionals to send an economic supervision office to United Water.
Chapter sixty-seven People
At the same time as the country’s embarrassing company and the upcoming 4 trillion yuan are surging.
Qilu Dadi Dezhou
Pingyuan County Santang Township Pingyuan County, as its name implies, is a plain, which is an important agricultural area in Shandong Province.
At the beginning of December, it was windy and cold in the North China Plain. There were few green flowers and trees, and the farmland was bare, ready to work again next spring.
The subprime mortgage crisis that swept the world seems to have little impact on the plowmen in the fields. They still get up early and get greedy like their ancestors, and they are like silent oxen.
It’s just dawn, and an old man and a young man appear in the north wind, harvesting some weeds in the fields, and the young man is riding a lawn mower to find the gap area where the weeds are more lush.
The old man will slip the weeds and tie them in bundles.
"Dad, going like this is not the way."
"Daniel, look again!"
Tang Jialiang showed a tangled expression when he heard his father’s words. His hand with a pole trembled slightly in the cold wind, which was helped by machine vibration and confusion
The first half of this year is definitely a cold winter for dairy farming in China.
They are faced with the situation that fresh milk is not up to standard, dairy enterprises do not buy it, or the purchase price is low, and the feed is rising. Even with official subsidies, it is difficult to maintain the situation.
Dairy cows in China are facing this dilemma.
Tang Jialiang’s family is a dairy farmer, raising more than 50 cows, and now the milk roots can’t sell at a good price.
Every day, feed, green fodder and hay are indispensable, which is a huge marketing subsidy and milk sales can not get back the money, which is fatal to small-scale farming
The father and mother had to cut down the feed and feed themselves to harvest weeds to maintain it, which further made the quality of fresh milk fall into a vicious circle.
After harvesting a tricycle of weeds, my father and I just wanted to go back when suddenly a motorcycle spewed black smoke and came running here.
"Good news for three brothers and three brothers" on the dirt road on the side of motorcycle middle-aged people’s emergency brake.
"What’s the matter?"
"Someone has come to buy cows. This is a good opportunity."
Tang Tie pliers yards grass and stops involuntarily. "When beef cattle are sold?"
"No, it’s the cow price," Tang Tiebing quickly replied.
Tang Jialiang, who tied the lawn mower, also smiled. "Dad, if the price is right, come out!"
Tang Tiebing, who also raised more than 20 cows, also quickly persuaded "Third Brother can’t live this year if he doesn’t sell cows in this market."
A gust of north wind hit Tang Tietong and made him shudder. He was very white, and winter was the most troublesome place, because there were no fresh grass and hay in the wild, so he could rely on feed and green and hay.
If there is not enough cattle to eat, he has no choice but to buy forage or sell the cattle.
This year, the cattle dealers are also trying their best to keep the price down, which is two or three yuan lower than that of beef cattle
Looking at the market by country, the price of beef in 3 yuan this year is about 19~21 yuan.
Cows, on the other hand, sell cattle as beef cattle, with a maximum of 15 ~ 1 kg in 17 yuan.
An adult black-and-white bull (usually a cross between Holstein and domestic yellow cattle) weighs 55~7 kg, and its price is only about ~13 yuan.
According to the analysis of phase data, the number of dairy cows in China was about 130 thousand in 27 years, and by the end of 2 years, the number of dairy cows decreased to about 130 thousand.
If this trend does not change, the number of dairy cows in the first quarter of middle age will be further reduced to 120 thousand
By reducing 10,000 cows, most of them have been sold as beef cattle, and the number of cows per capita in foreign countries is insufficient. Now it is really raining all night.
Hurried back to the farm, Tang Tietong’s father and Tang Tiebing saw six or seven strangers looking at the cows in the cowshed.
They are from the Texas branch of Blue Age, and Blue Age has been engaged in sideline business. After all, the profit potential of sanitation contracting is limited, which makes them need to actively explore other industries.
In the blue era, the current industrial structure has formed sanitation, water, recycling, pollution control, gas, breeding, fertilizer and building materials.
Central sanitation and water is to contract local industries.
In terms of recycling, it has also expanded the local waste recycling industry, including buying from residents and accepting small recycled waste.