At this time, Al Qaeda returned and ordered the helicopter group to turn around and fly back … The gap is too big. They don’t want to stay on the battlefield for a minute.

The Qionghe operation was very effective, and soon it was overfulfilled. Not only did it kill all the landing giants, but it also killed many native Garidan giants. This alien landing operation was a complete failure.
Just as Liu Huaidong took a bite out, when the fighting ended today, the communication staff suddenly rushed to "report that Qionghe informed the water outside the port that the number of alien submarines was not less than 20 and the number was increasing. It is expected to enter the port in seven minutes!"
Chapter 144 Anti-submarine mobilization
"What?" Liu Huaidong jumped up. "Show me!"
Ma, the communications staff officer, handed the tablet in his hand to his brain. The screen is showing the satellite map outside Xidan Port, and more than 20 points of light representing the enemy are constantly flashing.
Liu Huaidong cancelled the target indication screen with a finger and turned it into an original satellite image. Carefully distinguish that every vanishing light spot has a fuzzy shadow.
Huai-dong liu suddenly looked up "battle alarm command units ready to fight; Command the fleet to force anti-submarine … Is Lu Hang back? "
"Not yet"
"Order Luhang to return as soon as possible and command the ground crew to prepare anti-submarine equipment; Ask the Qionghe for help! "
"Yes!" The communications staff immediately sent the order, and the shrill alarm resounded through the sky again.
The naval warships docked at the dock responded fastest. Just after receiving the order, a destroyer fired anti-submarine rockets into the distant sea, smashing 12 anti-submarine rockets and flying to the predetermined area.
His warships are not slow to respond, and they have launched anti-submarine rockets at their respective targets, but in a few seconds, the rockets have fallen into the water and quickly sank into the water.
All the ships ran out of anti-submarine rockets and immediately reloaded them as quickly as possible. Before the loading was over, the bombs went deep into the water and the water columns exploded one after another.
That’s not to mention that warships that used to rely on the dock started their engines and left the dock along the Ann route.
Several frigates have a shallow draft, and the mine is located in a deep place. The bottom of the ship can’t touch the mine at all, no matter what the navigation route is, they will rush directly from the mine side to the vicinity of the alien submarine at the highest speed in the past, and immediately start the ship’s deep bomb launcher. One deep-water bomb throws across the sky and falls into the water.
Soon after, deep bombs exploded at different depths, and a series of water columns followed the battleship, just like something in the water had been following the battleship.
Depth charge is not an advanced weapon. It must be thrown by warships with poor accuracy, power and range. Once the depth charge is made, it means that the enemy submarine is close to the fleet.
Take the anti-submarine rocket as an example, the maximum range of this thing is about ten kilometers, while the range of the most advanced torpedo can reach 140 kilometers!
The target of the depth charge is the submarine, but with the addition of the rocket, the depth charge is a short arm, so it can’t reach the submarine. On the other hand, the submarine can fire torpedoes at enemy ships from dozens or hundreds of kilometers away.
That is to say, the anti-submarine aspect of deep bomb is very limited. By the end of the war, the main function of deep bomb is not anti-submarine but intercepting water torpedo!
Due to the increasing number of deep bombs, some countries have eliminated such weapons before the war, and anti-submarine aircraft and anti-submarine torpedoes are used to deal with enemy submarines.
Deep bomb has many disadvantages, but the biggest advantage of this thing is that it is cheap and the fleet is the key development direction of all countries. After repeated compression, the navy has to restart this old but economical weapon
Otherwise, these warships could not have so many deep bombs.
Of course, warships are not only deep bombs, but also some mathematical anti-submarine missiles. Those frigates launch vertically and uniformly, and one missile after another turns in the vertical launch, and then plunges into the water to release anti-submarine torpedoes.
The frigate should have achieved some results regardless of the attack, but even if the alien submarine was hit by deep bombs and torpedoes, it would not float to the surface. No one knows what kind of results it has achieved
The two destroyers were one step slower than the frigates, but the destroyers were larger in tonnage and equipped with more weapons. When they arrived at the incident waters, they threw deep bombs and anti-submarine missiles around for free.
Although the front is playing happily, everyone knows that warships are not the main anti-submarine force. The real killer is the anti-submarine helicopter that just took off from the aircraft carrier.
To put it bluntly, the warship operation is an anti-submarine helicopter’s struggle, not how many enemy ships are expected to be destroyed by depth charges.
Several helicopters soon flew to the alien submarine and released them in an orderly way. After determining the position of the enemy boat, the helicopters released anti-submarine torpedoes into the water.
Unfortunately, the alien submarines are too scattered, and the nuclear bomb bombing is not worth it, otherwise Liu Huaidong would have bombed the nuclear bomb in the past.
Probably the anti-submarine weapons in turn made the alien submarine feel the pressure. Several shadows suddenly floated on the satellite map, and these shadows became clearer and clearer.