In such a situation, there is enough spiritual force to be given to Wan Wan.

He imprisoned part of the seal, but it had to be weakened so that he could easily rush.
Otherwise, the order of heaven and earth will also change if the spiritual inheritance of words is not achieved and the way of god’s blood inheritance is determined in ancient times.
After that, it became very serious
Tourmaline’s assumption is wrong, but it also tastes the same.
And he derived more ideas from this assumption.
He came to doubt that his sister said they could speak with six children.
However, with the weakness of his body seal, it is good that he has not been solved.
Sister’s words are possible and will come true.
Once upon a time, because a single descendant of God’s blood is already a creator, it is clear that the strength of the Ministry will be accepted.
But now there are six in his generation.
Then this power is one point six.
Wan Wan accepted one sixth of them, which is just a matter of course.
After this thought, tourmaline, of course, has no doubts.
Since it’s fate that his sister wants more blessings, what is he worried about?
Just break through these seals and give your sister and son a more stable, safer and warmer future as much as possible.
Tourmaline’s hands were sealed, and a series of obscure and abstruse ancient oracles were read and vomited.
After those oracles flew from his mouth, they immediately turned into symbols with golden marks and circled around him cross-legged.
Like a faint golden storm.
Slowly rush to the golden tube vein seal spell-like seal spell that is generally bound by this golden storm.
However, as the sacred word in tourmaline’s mouth gets longer and longer, it is spit out faster and faster.
In the whole body, the golden storm is becoming more and more big, and the spell is finally floating.
After two quarters of an hour, tourmaline has changed three ancient spell-like seal spells, and the light has faded.
Bi Xi mei Wei
Bright green pupil eyes instantaneous light at that who gave a big grand.
Suddenly feel a huge gold awn boom has been rushed to the central abdomen.
Then a large amount of dark blue liquid went straight to the cross-legged place of his Yuan God like Changhong Penetrating Wild.
Tourmaline is not surprised at all, even if it closes its eyes quickly and puts its mind at ease. It has just been freed from bondage and obtained the entrance from the tube vein.
The liquid containing a lot of psychic energy was immediately absorbed into the fresh vein.
In an instant, it became a pure and pure golden psychic.
Tourmaline suddenly felt that he was full of new strength.
As if inexhaustible, God’s knowledge is at the center.
At this moment, with the spiritual strength of his body rising, he has put a part of the ban, so tourmaline has a lot of things in his mind that he didn’t know before
Among them, the most mysterious attack spell in ancient times is the summoning method of the spirit instrument.
There are also many secret secrets about the distribution of power from all walks of life.
Of course, there are more secret methods for Nuwa people.
The tourmaline is really a little higher than Bailing, but a little worse than Luning.
And outside the enchantment, Xiaobai, when he saw that a little bit of gold spirit kept fluctuating.
I knew that the master had successfully impacted the seal.