Let you have a little experience. The royal sacred sword of Aasland, Yarod Qing, Wang Ting, said with great gesture.

The sacred object of the Kingdom of Aasland is the lost Excalibur, and the royal family of Aasland and Aasland has also enjoyed the sacred sword skill in the past dynasties. Everyone present did not expect that King Yarodqing should also have this exquisite sword skill. Everyone knows that this King Qing is the kind of aristocratic politician who can talk nonsense.
Although Illges III raised his sword and took it, it looked a little unfamiliar, but it was also a unified sword move. It can be seen that the two routines belong to the same way.
This is pure Aasland’s royal fencing, Spring said in words.
Chapter 19 The warfare in the hall
The Covenant The Crimson Lion Chapter 19 The warfare in the hall
Chapter one
Whether it’s a courtier or a national day, it’s a basic recognition that the two supreme rulers of Aasland will decide the throne in a duel way. Perhaps future generations will think that this way is too trifling, but now no one present will feel this way. After all, no one wants to throw himself into a dangerous place. It’s always a happy thing to have a dispute over death.
Throne at this time, two people have no choice but to defeat their opponents. Leon didn’t expect that Illges III’s swordsmanship was not childish and weak, and he didn’t expect that Yarodqing’s swordsmanship had reached an excellent level.
Yarrod’s swordsmanship is obviously a little more sophisticated, which means that he has no experience. Leon doesn’t know about Yarrod’s history. This is also because he came to the eastern continent for a short time. Compared with Illges III’s swordsmanship, he is a little immature. Although he can see it, he has practiced hard, but the lack of practical experience reflects the lack of adaptability. It is precisely because a person can’t practice it no matter how hard he practices it.
It’s a bit nervous that King Yarodqing gradually gained the wind, and now Illges III can constantly avoid the attack of Yarodh around the throne and do the Yarodh National Festival.
Leon is planning a plan in his heart. Of course, we can’t help in this situation, otherwise it would be tantamount to admitting the failure of Illges III, but it is obviously a dangerous thing to make King Yarodqing king of Aasland.
After another pair of swords collided, Illges III was shocked for several steps. He suddenly stepped on the throne step because of the frequent retreat. He didn’t notice that it was behind the throne step. Illges III always lay down and slammed it on the carpet of the throne step.
Although in Yarrod, he stepped back a few steps because of the impact of the sword, but he quickly stabilized his steps and saw that Illges III had fallen to the ground. His horse adjusted its posture and rushed to Yarrod. The height of the jump caused a huge momentum, and the sword in his hand also accurately stabbed the fallen body of Illges III.
Dangerous people exclaim.
Illges’s horse rolled to the side to avoid Yarrodley’s blow, but Illges also hit the steps with excessive force when rolling, and the iron armor was scattered all over the floor. The iron shield was heavily knocked on Illges III’s belly, which was very boring. Illges III also sold his sword because of rolling.
This is almost a losing situation. If Yarrod adjusts his posture, he can kill Illges. Just when everyone thought Yarrod would stab Illges with a sword, he found that Yarrod stabbed the ground and couldn’t pull it out.
The Palace in Aasland is a large stone building, which is made up of large square stones. Arrogant just jumped up and hit the crack between two huge stones with a fierce sword. Because of the great penetration and the strength of Arrogant, the sword penetrated through the crack and got stuck in two stones. Because of the stone carpet, Arrogant didn’t know that his sword was so clever, he hit this part, but he couldn’t smoke it anyway.
After several times without drawing his sword, Yarrod gave up his weapon because he saw the weapon of Illges III that fell to the ground. At this time, Illges III was lying on the ground ready to struggle to climb up. He struggled to lift the iron armor that was under his body and barely stood up for half a position to observe the situation outside.
Yarrod suddenly rushed to Illges III and bent down to pick up his sword. He held the sword high and strode to Illges III. Illges was surrounded by scattered armor. Obviously, there was no time to stand up. Yarrod attacked without weapons. At this time, it seems that Illges is hard to avoid.
Shit, Leon’s foot has been started. Although Illges will definitely lose the battle for the throne if he helps, he doesn’t want to see Illges die like this politically or emotionally.
Yarrod is much closer than Leon, even if Leon wants to transport magic to catch it, it is not so easy. Yarrod’s face turns pale, and he suddenly finds that his wish is about to be achieved. Illges is just a lamb to be slaughtered.
Illges struggled backwards, and he had no more retreat. Arrow Rodjian was imminent, and Illges’s lack of actual combat experience made him unable to cope at this time.
Illges kept retreating hand in hand. At the moment when Yarrod rushed over, his hand consciously grasped an iron weapon. He turned to look at it. It was a decorative armor pike. The feeling was nasty. Illges closed his eyes and slammed the long bullet with the iron gun to pierce his body. Illges opened his eyes. Only then did he find that the pig iron gun had penetrated Yarrod’s body and blood slipped along the iron gun to the body of Illges III sitting on the ground.
Four bursts of shouts ran halfway, and Leon stopped. Surely Yarrod didn’t expect that he was at the end of the road. Illges could still catch an accidental weapon. Obviously, he sprinted too fast and didn’t stop. Maybe when Illges stabbed the pike, Yarrod also stabbed the sword. The length of the nai gun was much longer than the sword. When Illges pierced Yarrod’s body, Yarrod could stop halfway.
The freeze-frame picture tells us that the hall suddenly fell silent after a shout, with hundreds of people in it. Aasland Palace suddenly disappeared, and everyone held their breath and watched the development.
Illges’s mobile sound broke four quietness. He dialed the armor around him and wiped off the cuffs of his hair. The blood was sprayed on his face and slowly got up. Although he got up and got up, he finally got up.
Illges III looked at everyone with loose eyes and forgot to celebrate his victory. He staggered to the throne and sat down on the throne as collapsed.
The first sentence of the Aussie God’s shining crowd was Leon.
God Aussie shines slowly, and then Leon goes on.
With the increasing number of participants, the cry became louder and louder, and gradually resounded through a palace. King Yarrod Esqing died at the hands of Illges III. It is an indisputable fact that his body is still lying on the side steps of the throne, and the carpet has been stained with blood.
Leon looked at the body of King Yarodqing and felt a sigh in his heart. Maybe he was one second away from the throne. If he had drawn his sword earlier, he would have died as Illges III.
Is this the blessing of Aussie? Even Leon himself can’t answer this question.
Pardon the crimes of King Harold Qing, and the Light Corps will be temporarily led by Lieutenant Sandon and other people to return to their respective posts. The royal funeral will be held with a heavy burial. King Harold Esqing officially praised his merits. Illges III said in a weak voice
One of the Light Samurai’s commanding men took a step closer with an uneasy expression on his face. He was Illges III’s general Zhongshan, that is, the deputy commander of the Light Corps. He has always been a confidant of Yarrod Ace. At this moment, he is the last person who wants to see Yarrod die like this.
Throughout the ages, the first confidant of rebellion has either become the backbone of the new levy or a stepping stone to the remains of careerists. Sandton doesn’t think that Illges III will let himself go after stabilizing the government