Nv child is very beautiful and pure. There is a kind of pure feeling like less nv in Liu Yifei. "Since you are here, I think your kung fu is ok. Let’s have a competition."

Lin Cheng looked at the beautiful face of nv child. "I can’t do such a thing as pushing hua."
Nv child giggled at the sound of Lin Cheng’s words. "Don’t be urged by hua, then you have no face at all."
Lin Chengyi waved his hand and posed as a wild horse with a mane. "Come on."
Nv child doesn’t answer directly. It’s really fast to cut into Lin Cheng’s neck child’s flying skill pace. Lin Cheng almost didn’t react. Lin Cheng’s pace is fast enough, but nv child is faster than Lin Cheng.
Lin Cheng Mustang’s mane strength has just been turned around and hasn’t been handed to him yet. nv child has disappeared.
Lin Cheng intuition nv children should look behind him and didn’t look at a record of skimming the hammer. The child just turned behind Lin Cheng and thought about going to Lin Cheng’s head. I didn’t expect Lin Cheng’s hammer to come to the root and didn’t have a chance to make moves. So he turned around and gave directions to Lin Cheng’s left waist
Lin Cheng shrank back with a split fist and split it into nv child’s neck.
The neck is the most vulnerable part of the human body-the blood vessels and nerves in the neck are dense, and the bones and blood vessels are all together, so no point can stand a split.
Fist is the direction, there must be a kind of momentum to split people, but also a kind of "fixed" feeling, that is, to nail people there
Nv children’s footsteps slip, just like swimming in the water makes people catch mo by law, which is a great threat to Lin Cheng.
A fast-paced person who talks about whether to fight or run a child is such a person. Shaolin Cheng is a good way. Lin Cheng is very strong. A hammer or a palm can quickly avoid nv children, while nv children attack their own tricks, but they have to do their best to deal with them.
After playing for less than half an hour, nv child suddenly jumped out of the circle and "it’s ok without playing kung fu"
Lin Cheng’s feeling of being at sea was only slightly reduced.
"You punch well. What’s your name?"
"My name is Lin Cheng, how can I ask the girl?" Lin Cheng asked the word "address" but the girl has gone far. "I’ll tell you goodbye when I have a chance."
Lin Cheng shook his head and faced the sunrise in the east for half an hour. Only then did he run back to the dormitory. All three guys were still asleep. Lin Cheng hurriedly washed and washed. There are classes today. Today is the first day of class. Lin Cheng doesn’t want to be late for the first day of class.
After a quick breakfast in the canteen, Lin Chenggong went straight to the school of management building, found the management classroom and strolled in.
Lin Chenglai was early. When he came, there were few teachers in Ricky. A classmate with glasses sat in the first row and watched silently.
Lin Cheng quickly found a second row seat and took out a class, which is a public course of enterprise management, industrial and commercial enterprise management.
Lin Chengcai knew where he was wrong when the students came at the class point. Lin Cheng is still a high school student, facing his studies ideologically. In high school, students were afraid to sit in the corner and squeeze into the front seat for fear of missing a knowledge point that the teacher said. But in college, Lin Cheng’s classmates all shrink back in unison, and the more corners they have, the more popular they are.
Later, my classmates didn’t grab the hidden position in the back, and they still lamented iong.
In this way, it shows that there are two people coming, one is the classmate with glasses who came at the front and the other is himself, who has just arrived.
27 beauty deskmate
Most people come to class from 7: 50 to 55, and when it is three minutes away, the middle and back part of the classroom is already full. Students who are interested in learning usually sit in the front class. When they are mixed, students usually sit in the back, which is convenient for chatting or sleeping.
Lin Chengzheng sat and looked down to see whether he was preparing for the first day of class or studying that kind of idea in high school.
Just as Lin Cheng bowed his head and previewed, there was a noise in the class. "Hula" Lin Cheng didn’t look up. Now Lin Cheng’s repair can be natural even if Mount Tai collapses in front of him, let alone this little noise.
Followed by a faint fragrance, the source of this fragrance came from Lin Cheng’s side. Someone probably sat down beside Lin Cheng and still looked down without looking up.
"Hi, hello, can we change seats?" Someone came and patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.
As soon as Lin Cheng looked up, he caught a glimpse of a seat next to him. "Here’s a seat over there." Then he looked down again.
Just after watching it for a minute, the teacher came. "Hello, students, please call the roll before class."
"Li Wei"
"Wang Gang"
"Zhang Xiaoli"
"Wang Jiao"
The "to" sound came from Lin Cheng’s side. Obviously, the girl sitting next to him was named Wang Jiao.
There will be about 200 or 300 people and 66 people who will continue to be late, which will occupy the whole classroom.
"Now let’s go on with the lesson" is not the first time for this teacher to teach these people, and he writes and talks on the blackboard without introducing his name.
I have to say that this teacher is still very good at teaching, and he never looks at preparing lessons. No matter where he talks, he can casually say how many pages he is on, but one thing is that the teacher is a bit rigid and generally does not quote classics. He says everything according to the propaganda but does not expand it.
Lin chengjiu is suitable for this lecture method because he is interested in learning things, so he doesn’t need teachers to quote classics to improve students’ interest.