What really interests the Baiyun Tower is that the fairy gods say that the fairy gods are well-connected and happy, and the great self is very fascinating.

At the age of fourteen, Baiyun Tower went with Niang to visit the fragrant incense and fire dozens of miles away, and spent the night in the Banshan Taoist Temple clause.
It’s the first time I’ve seen the world of mortals after spending the night in Yunlou.
Teenagers get up early in Chu Yang, practicing boxing on the misty cliff, and the old sleeves are flying everywhere. The clouds are spinning and tumbling on the cliff to see the teenagers’ minds swaying
The Baiyun Building, an old master, hurried forward to worship the old master.
See young spirits full of sophisticated can’t help but see a few eye and Baiyun Tower chat up and ask to chat preferences.
Chatting to see the young people’s manners are quite informal and their temperament is very agreeable, so they came to the fun.
The old Baiyun Tower was pinched for a while, and finally shook his head slightly and said that the world has one in ten thousand spiritual practitioners and their qualifications are different.
Although Baiyun Tower has a slight qualification, it is close to and near the age of hair growth. The meridians are obscure and hard to find, and forced practice is like a dream in a mirror.
In the speech, the old man saw that the teenager was disappointed, but he was relieved in a short time. He was still laughing and talking freely, and his heart was even better, and he was dragged to the other hospital.
When I came to the room, I found out that two volumes were given to each other, and a row of cloud palms said that the young man had a good eye contact. These two palms were also given to each other without secret.
Baiyun Tower is naturally very happy to go out and say hello to Niang, and then return to the old road to chat for half a day to solve a lot of doubts.
Chat to the fullest before saying goodbye to the old Baiyun Tower. Although it has not changed its name to the master, it has also done its best to respect the teacher.
Looking at the teenager leaving with Niang, he is also crying outside the clause.
After practicing Taoism for so many years, today, the teenager finally saw that it was really stuck for more than ten years. Finally, the bottleneck of cultivation was finally solved. It is a fate law or perhaps its own fate law for the teenager to decide what is not in the pool and send it to the teenager.
Teenagers see Chu Yang’s sage-like, old-fashioned and experienced, but they don’t see Chaoyang, a teenager full of vitality
Later, Baiyun Louri was a little more angry and missed the pulse age. It was the row of cloud palm moves that were practiced fully that the meridian Sunday technique could be idle to see.
Although I am still half-angry, Baiyun Tower still practices more than ten times a day, and I have been practicing hard for more than a year. Now I am light, healthy, alert and alert, and I have not lost my studies on weekdays, and I have successfully won the fame of a scholar.
With fame, it’s a bit clean, dad. Except for occasionally nagging a few words, don’t look at the schoolwork in the clouds building. I haven’t asked for it for a long time, and I should have been unable to understand the reason.
The so-called old man’s momentum is no longer strong, but the prestige is still normal, and the Baiyun Building is like a regular boy. In the past two days, the old man has gone out to walk, and the sky is high, the birds are flying and the sea is wide, and he can sit around and bask in the sun by diving, watching and listening to the street shouting, which is also a bit like a fairy.
Baiyun Tower is a bamboo pavilion. Seeing the rise, I used to touch the bag. Suddenly, the original bag was already in my right hand.
I was wondering if I should buy an omelet to relieve my craving. Suddenly I caught a glimpse of a merchant ship swimming in the Liuhua River in the distance. It looked very familiar. If you look closely, is it your own cargo ship?
Baiyun tower was a tight turn from the bamboo pavilion to the arms and waited for the whole skirt handrail.
The cargo ship is not big enough to hold two or three cars. The head of the cargo ship stands nearly forty years old, with a medium height and a slightly fat face. Wearing blue silk, it is the father of Baiyun Building.
When the boat arrived at the dock, Grandpa Bai saw his son waiting for the dock, nodded slightly and shouted back, "Unload the goods by boarding!"
The cargo ship helper did have two shop guys coming over to help him move the goods into the shop.
White Torre pointed to a black wooden box at the stern and said to a shop assistant, "Take this box to the cloud building."
Hearing that he still had bootleg goods, Baiyun Tower quickly jumped into the bow, diligently helped his father’s boat, and asked with a straight face if he had breakfast and had no boat to rest.
Send dad to the bedroom to rest and turn back to his room.
The room is a cloud building. When I was young, I cleaned it myself. The walls on both sides were full.
There is a bamboo lounge chair by the window, a long strip near the chair, and a thick straw futon on the side. The black wooden box has been placed next to the shelf.
Looking at the wooden box, you can’t be curious. There are several piles of wooden boxes with two small wooden boxes in front of the Baiyun Building.
What’s new and what’s old, just flip through it, except for a few poems, it’s all kinds of miscellaneous things, and there’s even a record of weird things
Baiyunlou watched Zheng Torre go out to get a good product this time, but why did he turn away from reading on weekdays? I was thinking about buying a lot this time. It seems that I got a scholar title last autumn and gave Torre a lot of face.
Chapter II Chance
After cleaning up a few stacks of Baiyun Tower, I saw that there was a long wooden box in the box besides two small wooden boxes.
Conveniently took out a long wooden box and took a look. It turned out to be a long scale sword with a handle of more than three feet.
Baiyun Tower hurriedly grabbed the swordsman and played with it for a while. This sword has a simple appearance and excellent workmanship.
I heard that every handle of Long Lin Sword in Longquan Villa is tempered, and a few handles can’t be born in a year. I didn’t expect Dad to buy one when he went out this time. It’s really amazing.
Long Lin’s sword, which had been played for a while, was beaten into a small wooden box with an inkstone inkstone, and a mouse ready to drink ink was carved next to Mo Chi.
The last wooden box was a sapphire fist-sized, full-bodied and round, with one side flat and its tentacles cool. I wonder if Dad sent this sapphire to intentionally look good as a paperweight.
After cleaning up, I picked up one side and came to the lounge chair. When I looked up, I saw that even lunch was delivered to the room by the cook at dinner time.
Dinner is the White House dinner. At noon, Bai Torre has been resting in the bedroom. At dinner time, Bai Torre specially asked the chef to call Baiyun Building for dinner.
At the dinner table, Bai Torre was pleased to look at the Baiyun Corridor opposite. "Cloud Tower, you have grown up now and have your own fame. I am of course happy if you can try to go to to be no.1 in the next year, but in the past two years, you have seen a lot of anecdotes. What you see in your daily life should not be a lie. Look at what you do on weekdays. Should you be successful or not?"
White Torre picked up the glass and handed it to Baiyun Tower for a cup. He continued, "What is the gift of that box for you today?"
"Travel? Where to go? " Baiyun Lou asked incredulously
After drinking a cup of white dad, he said, "This time, I passed by Jiangnan House just in time to catch up with Xinluyuan. Once every three years, the Spring Academy recruited you for fame. I have already signed up for Xinluyuan. There are many subjects to teach, so you can look at them."
Baiyunlou whimpers back channels. You are my dad. What can I say if all this is arranged in vain?
However, the mouth still said, "It’s not as good as reading thousands of books recently. Wan Li Road should go out for a walk, but what’s the origin of the sapphire you gave me, Dad?"
Speaking of this sapphire, Dad Bai was interested. It turned out that a woodcutter sold this sapphire at the commercial street corner of Fucheng.
Because the quality of this sapphire is too abnormal, the woodcutter tried his best to chop it without leaving any trace, but the woodcutter asked for 50 yuan and didn’t sell it for a long time
Dad Bai happened to think of the young master at home and bought it back conveniently. According to the woodcutter, this sapphire was picked up by chopping wood in the mountains in the west.
Torre Bai is in a good mood tonight, and Master Bai has a good time with him.
The moon and stars are thin and the night is as cool as water.
Baiyun Tower felt no drowsiness, came to the room, lit two oil lamps, picked up the buckle case and continued to observe the research.
After watching for a while, the wine poured into Baiyun Tower and the recliner fell asleep.
Although the first taste of wine is sweet and refreshing, the bad rice wine also makes the teenager drunk and dreamy.
The full moon is falling in the west, and the night is deep and sleeping. The Baiyun Tower seems to feel hot and dry, half asleep and half awake. I have fished for a case, and a few sapphire presses my forehead.
It’s refreshing and slightly drunk, which makes Alan Yu, a teenager’s consciousness, fall into a state of stillness, like chaos. At a certain moment, a green light suddenly passes from the sapphire and jumps into the teenager’s eyebrows.
The green light entered the Baiyun Tower, and the fluorescence was scattered. The original chaos knew the sea, and there was a little glimmer. The fluorescent light spread for a mile, and Fiona Fang gradually stopped.
Fiona Fang’s knowledge of the sea seems to distinguish heaven and earth.
The heavy and turbid gas gradually condensed into a sea of clouds and floated like a dark dream.
Floating and clearing the air, such as spirituality, gathering and dispersing, such as breathing and sucking.
Scattered fluorescent light floats with the clear air, floating in the turbid sea of clouds, and Fiona Fang’s fluorescent light flashes with life, and it is still chaotic outside.
The next lane woke up at dawn, and the street spread cold water early, and the wood fire crackled in the stove, and I got up early and hurried across the courtyard wall and through the window lattice, awakening the reclining chair boy.
The breeze blowing through your face is the feeling of Baiyun Tower at this moment.
Pushing the half-closed wooden window, looking at the stars outside the window is deep and vast, listening to the distant street sounds noisy but full of vitality.
This world is still the same as before, but it seems to be much clearer and more vivid.
At the moment, Baiyun Tower’s mind is clear and pure. Looking at the sapphire paperweight in his hand through starlight, he seems to think that this sapphire is kind.
This is what I didn’t have before I was drunk. This feeling is subtle, but the more I look at sapphire, the clearer my intimacy becomes.