He didn’t say that it was the dim, disappointed, desperate and sad eyes that were enough to say his mood at the moment

Tourmaline looked at him and looked at Liu Zhichun, who was brought back by her mother to take care of the Nuwa family and grew up.
Although he is not a true Nuwa, he has no doubt about his loyalty.
Otherwise, moth wouldn’t have brought herself to nirvana for him at that end.
Therefore, I am full of respect and gratitude for his tourmaline
Holding his hand is not gentle and authentic. I believe every word you say, you are so sincere to your mother and father. You have proved that you are a loyal, reliable and beautiful person.
Why can’t I believe what you told me? I totally believe that the celestial people destroyed our home.
In such a fierce hatred, anyone who is still somewhat bloody will surely not have such a great hatred and not report it.
Even if his heaven is the emperor of heaven.
Well, in that case, young master, how do you
Zhichun couldn’t help but see the color of hope and expectation in her eyes when she heard tourmaline say this.
Zhichun, I understand your eagerness to save your mother from suffering as soon as possible, but now is not the time.
Tourmaline didn’t hide what he was going to say.
It’s time to die here. It’s been more than three years since I came here, but it’s only been three days in heaven.
Liuzhichun nodded his head.
Well, I’ll ask you again, how long has it been since the day when we were exterminated by the Nuwa people to calculate the words today?
Good twenty days.
Chapter 41 Days
Liu Zhichun blurted out without thinking, but after all, every day he deeply remembered in his mind that he had let the Emperor of Heaven spend another day at large on the day of genocide, and he would not remember it.
That’s good. One day of the Nuwa people in the spiritual world is about three months in the human world, and one year in the human world is the fourth day of the Nuwa people, right?
Then it will be five days from the extinction of our Nuwa clan in heaven to today’s boundary day.
Zhichun, do you think the emperor will kill my mother directly or torture her to death in five days?
Tourmaline’s question is very direct, and it can be said that it is almost inhuman.
After all, no matter how few days it is, the person who was arrested and imprisoned is always the little master and mother, isn’t it?
His mother is in the wrong hands. Isn’t the little master in no hurry?
Zhichun, I know what’s on your mind at the moment. You’re thinking that I’m very unfilial, aren’t you?
Zhichun dare not.
To tell the truth, I hate Heaven and Heaven Emperor. Although I haven’t seen him yet, it’s the first time that a person who controls Heaven and other six realms in name can actually put this Heaven Emperor in a position where people are angry with God and God.
I really admire him.
But you said that he destroyed the Nuwa clan and arrested my mother. I personally think it’s not that simple. It’s not that simple for the Emperor to light the lamp. It’s not that simple for you. My mother may not always tell you the truth.
She must have kept a lot of things from you.
Little master
Zhichun, will you listen to me first?
It’s not that I don’t want to save my mother, but this is really not the right time. Although I inherited the power of God’s blood, you should know that when my mother was captured, she was also directly supported by the Ministry of Divine Power of Nu Wa.
Even if she condensed a lot of JingXie power to ripen me, she could still do it if she wanted to explode YuanShen, but mother didn’t do that, did she?
That is to say, my mother is at least prepared, or at least she is convinced that the Emperor will not take any measures against her immediately after she is arrested.
Or what does mother know and what God wants to know, and mother prepares these things to negotiate terms and wants to see my father.