At the end of the 5-minute presentation, the meeting room took a break except for a gasp.

"Excuse me, Marcus Pavilion, can I keep a copy of your image and send it back to my king?" The speaker is the representative of Kurras.
Not only he, but also his representatives expressed their hope to get a copy
"I’m sorry that this is my unique magic technology, which evolved from Medivh’s inheritance. I can divide or transfer this magic, but I can show you again in the magic news."
Seeing that the general trend has been set, King Terenas of Lordaeron stood up proudly. He first turned his attention to King Ryan. "Well, it seems that we have all reached an agreement. Then I will formally send an appeal to the other five human kingdoms, Quel ‘Salas and Ironforge, to form an alliance to jointly deal with the orc tribal offensive. I hope to meet with all the kings or the ambassador of Lordaeron’s throne hall in two weeks."
In this era, it is never a simple thing for kings to travel.
If the dwarf is farthest by land or sea, it will probably take him more than half a month to reach the king city of Lordaeron in the north of the mainland.
Everyone knows that the orcs are on fire, so it is almost the only choice to ride the Griffin except those who dare to play with the king.
In this era, sending is very unreliable. Mastering sending magic is no less than asking an ordinary person to select the only correct sesame seed in a hundred kilograms of black sesame seeds ten meters away. Not only must the exact coordinates be locked, but all the conditions should be stable from the starting point to the end point.
Generally speaking, only those who have been reinforced by a lot of spells around them are suitable for finishing, such as the magic capital Dalaran or the high elf Quel ‘Salas.
These days, I dare to play around the world by myself and guarantee that I will never make mistakes. Only those two sunrise wizards in antonidas.
The big thing is coming.
Ryan, Anduin and Duke finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Back at the State Guesthouse, Anduin asked the Morningstar mage to check to make sure that no one would eavesdrop, and then said to Duke seriously, "I probably know this. It may not be appropriate for me to say it. I still decided to say it. An elder and a partner who have experienced life and death together. I want to wake you up, MI7 guy. You’d better not touch the information machine directly under the king. Ryan is a very rich man. I know he won’t promise me … Well … Varian should be a good king."
Speaking of which, Lothar seems to be out of breath.
Duke, like a successful fox, squinted and raised his right palm to swear, "I swear I will never plan against my own people."
"That’s good … wait, you don’t regard King Terenas as one of your own?"
"Not before, but now."
It’s really out of temper for Duke to answer Lothar like this.
Then Ryan came in, and his brow seemed to be full of sadness.
"What happened to Ryan?" Lothar seem a little casual when there is no fourth person in that room.
"No, I still want to form a problem alliance. It seems inevitable, but … who will be the leader?"
"Er, isn’t it menethil?" Lothar leng one.
Duke secretly sighed that Lothar was still too simple.
The smell of autumn in January is getting stronger and stronger. Whether the ears of rice are getting richer or the branches are heavy with fruits indicates that this year’s harvest will be very good. The outbreak of war will usher in a bumper harvest in the northern mainland this year, which is also a very good result.
There may be a good harvest after receiving Tuoxintian near Hillsbrad Hills refugee camp. Ryan and Anduin came over and patted Duke on the shoulder.
This is simply incredible.
Without Duke’s acting first, it would be like asking the Barov family for permission. Without Duke’s "going his own way", all the horses in the army would be forced to make do with it. Without Duke’s high-priced purchase of cattle from all over the country,
This is simply impossible.
If there is no accident, a batch of summer grain will be harvested at the end of the month, which has eased the grain crisis near Nanhai Town. Although Duke bought the first batch of 5 tons of grain at a high price, it sounds like a lot of fish, and it is only enough for nearly 500 thousand people to eat for two months
But now Hillsbrad people have a new saying that Storm Kingdom is ready to actually occupy this land.
Have you ever seen a refugee field fill the whole area?
Almost every inch of the plain has been reclaimed from Biantian in Nanhai Town to the foot of Aotelanke Mountain. Every wild wolf in Shan Ye has been brought to have a rare sumptuous meal. There are caves full of snowmen … Now the snowman is naturally slaughtered, and then the caves are used for winter food.
However, the first news that countries are going to form an alliance has suppressed all opposition.
On January th, a large number of politicians arrived at the king city of Lordaeron.
This most important alliance-building meeting, which was praised by later generations, was finally officially called to be continued.
Chapter 217 Throne Meeting (Middle) (Monthly Pass)
A word that make Duke relaxed and happy.
Duke never thought that he would witness this historical moment before crossing.
The huge golden bell was rung, and the long iron rope pulled the gear to ring the big clock, which sounded melodious and melodious all over Lordaeron.
In the east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north and northeast, the rich king of Lordaeron and his representatives spread the red carpet all the way from the gate to the king city of Lordaeron, and the soldiers of Lordaeron also lined up neatly along the red carpet to the king city.
Take the red carpet of Wangcheng Avenue. There are girls on the second and third floors of the tall houses on both sides, scattering gorgeous petals on the avenue to form a gorgeous flower rain.
The people of Lordaeron cheered for heroic treatment and welcomed the representatives of kings from all over the world.
Ryan Urien, King of Storm Kingdom
King Aidan Pi Renold of Otlank.