These are living soldiers. They live by themselves. Their loved ones fought bravely. They struggled in the muddy trenches and fought in the rain of bullets. They went to the battlefield because of the Fuehrer’s words. They faced death calmly because of an oath.

"Tell my father I love him; Tell the Fuehrer that I tried my best. This is a true portrayal of several German soldiers who are ashamed of their loyalty to the Fuehrer and the motherland, so that their nation will be better and brighter, and they will not hesitate to jump into hell to be the devil villain of another country.
Now, instead of shouting "Long live the Fuhrer" or singing military songs, they are humming witty songs. It is a calm and obedient way to face the Fuhrer for the rest of their lives, compared with the time when they went out to war.
"this is my arrogance here and everything I have worked hard for fifteen years!" Arcado listened to the song with a proud look on his face and said, "They beat you, cried, cried, cried and knelt down for peace, and they won every battle to make Germany stand on the top of the world power again!"
He paused before he could speak, and then he simply continued, "Don’t say that you pay 400 million francs a day. I won’t change these elites even if they give me Jinshan Yinshan! If you are not angry with us for tearing up the treaty and fighting again, the Third Reich is always ready! If you don’t give it to me, grab it. "
Hearing this, Brauchy’s eyes lit up and his face smiled a little more, while Pettitte put away the original somewhat disdainful and even said "dare not" while taking out a handkerchief to wipe his face.
"I have a small flower next to my hut. Her name is Erica! Whether it’s dawn or dusk, Erica! Whispering in the flowers. Do you remember the beautiful girl? The girl who is looking forward to your return in tears, her name is Erica … "The song echoed through the sky and seemed to laugh at her opponent, who seemed to yearn for a better day.
These troops were evacuated from the new German-French border to the eastern line and were undertaken by the new French government. Naturally, they are the most elite grenadier troops in Germany. Each of them is an old soldier in a hundred battles. After passing through Paris, they are given special treatment by taking a break. After this parade in Paris, each of them has a holiday to visit Paris and buy souvenirs at the expense of the new French government.
Arcado just spoke with a three-point bandit spirit, which made the soldier born in Brauchich feel great. I feel glad that although the head of state has been away from the army for some years, it really retains the heroic momentum when the army was there.
The phrase "You will rob me if you don’t give it to me" said that the calm ratio has exhausted the essence of the diplomacy of a powerful country. This slightly revealing sentence made the Imperial Marshal Blauchich feel a little smug-why is the head of state so hard to speak? Isn’t there a million-strong army behind it?
As the infantry passed by and followed the rostrum, the German elite armored forces became the secret weapon of the German army, the tiger tank. This was the first time that it appeared in public, but this appearance impressed journalists and heads of state from all over the world.
The first leading Tiger tank was full of bullet holes, and the white heart number "113" on the side of the turret was a little unclear. When the conductor looked at it, he was a small child with shallow freckles, which made him look like a big boy next door.
He wears a big hat with a smile on his face, and his military uniform looks a little dirty. The original pink neckline of armored forces has turned red because of too heavy oil stains.
Dozens of tank guns pointed at the rostrum in the dark, and the Fuehrer saluted these tanks at attention. The picture was accurately recorded by Fuehrer’s personal photographer Hugo, and became the most classic military parade photos of the Third Reich, which was recorded in history forever.
In the future, scholars who study German armored forces will see this photo. A famous military expert lamented that a leader who dares to point a cannon at the leader and a head of state who dares to face several muzzles are really a perfect match.
"This is to tell me that they are eager to fight." arcado waited until these tanks passed the podium and disappeared at the end of the road before smiling at Marshal Brauchich around him. "Organize the documents of the teaching troops at all levels and take the lead in working out a more reasonable plan!"
"Yes!" Brauchich nodded in response.
"such as? Still satisfied? " When arcado finished the arrangement, he smiled and asked the new French Prime Minister Petain, "If we still have no confidence, we will go to brest to see the imperial naval fleet on the high seas in a month …"
"no!" Petain sighed and said with some frustration, "From today on, the German-French alliance is impregnable!"
Chapter 393 393 There is no smoke war
Berlin, Germany
Nye, an officer in charge of logistics management in the French theater, handed a thick stack of documents to his company. Because the thickness of the documents was exaggerated, he put it on the table and made a "bang" sound.
Then he made a German gift right in front of his desk "Fuehrer arcado? Long live Rudolf! "
"Head of state arcado? Long live Rudolf! " An officer in his fifties with glasses raised his head and frowned and asked, "Why are there so many?"
"This is more? This is the estimated weekly supply of 70,000 troops stationed in France. "The young officer said with a sigh." Although the Fuehrer made an epoch-making proposal to simplify the supply in 1925, the fact is that our logistics department is only slightly reduced. "
"You don’t say I also know that" the old general pushed the documents to the right corner of his desk and then checked them one by one. "You entered the logistics department or I recommended it! What are you complaining about with me? Aren’t those guys in the army used to living a hard life and unwilling to give up anything? "
The lightening officer pointed to the file number, and Nye reported, "General, this is 792 mm ammunition for training in France. The total number is 200 million rounds, which are delivered to France in four batches. In the later period, the factory in France will supplement it one year, bringing the total number of ammunition to 500 million rounds."
"These bombs are enough to hurt the head of the Ministry of Railways." The old general shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.
"Then the total number of 13-mm machine guns is 120,000 rounds. It is planned to complete the transportation in three months. The additional figures are still accounted for. General Catherine seems to be holding her breath and preparing to make contributions to Britain …"
"Ha ha, it’s natural to be impatient. There are marshals in the navy and army. It seems that Lundstedt has got the promise from the Fuehrer that he will be promoted to the Marshal’s Army after the war in England. Can he Catherine not worry?" The old general smiled and shook his head to continue reading those documents.
After a few seconds, he pointed to a set of digital ports in the file and asked, "What’s going on? There are still five s35 tanks left in France? Two cars paid off to Romania? 3 cars sold to Finland? "
"This is what the Fuehrer meant, general," the young officer bowed his head and explained. "Merkel’s foreign affairs department is trying to win over these two countries. We are dead set on Romania, but it is said that Finland is an important force to balance the Soviet Union in the future …"
"This is not enough confusion on our side." The old general sighed and shook his head and complained.
Compared with other countries, the original German military weapons are very single. The caliber of the army from small to large is 792 mm, 13 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm, 75 mm, 15 mm and 15 mm (there are also 6 and 12 caliber mortars), but in recent years, the caliber of weapons and ammunition has increased to as many as 25.
Tanks have also changed from a few to a hodgepodge of international brands. Dunkirk seized all kinds of British tanks, and four French surrendered, handing over nearly one tank and armored vehicle to the German Defence Force. Blauchich, with a stroke of his hand, left part of the heavy weapons of the rear defense forces to train the German armored forces.
So hundreds of parts need to be stockpiled, transported and distributed into hundreds of kinds of shells, which need to be arranged and distributed. The current German team has a variety of weapons ranging from 792 mm caliber rifles to more than 4 mm caliber train guns, equipped with special ammunition and relying on French factories.
For example, some ports in France are equipped with 3 mm caliber coastal defense guns, and Germany has no replaceable or replaceable weapons. After these guns can continue to run along and run out of ammunition, Germany will continue to buy such large caliber coastal defense artillery shells from France if it does not want to make its ports defenseless.
Because of the deployment, the diesel engine tiger tanks are mixed with a large number at the same time, and the gasoline engine leopard tanks are added with some fine gasoline. In February 1993, the German troops supplemented the gasoline models to as many as five types, which does not include fighter oil and bomber oil. If the number of naval warships is counted, it is even more nerve-racking.
Field troops need to supplement vitamins regularly, which requires fresh vegetables, fruits and other materials and food improvement. Sausages, beef, biscuits and rice are needed. The entire German army train is running at almost full capacity, so there is no tragedy of large-scale material shortage. However, the German logistics department, which is well-known for its rigor, is about to be tortured and crazy. There is no requirement to streamline the types of materials once.
Just take canned meat as an example. From the end of the French campaign, Germany transported a total of 90,000 processed canned meat to the front line, which was still a part of the 20,000-strong army to complete the figures. Many second-line troops behind did not enjoy this luxury from the war to the end of the war.
Another figure is to ensure the attack speed of the fist troops, that is, the German armored forces. The German transport forces are busy day and night to transport 30,000 crawler parts, 50,000 engine wearing parts, 4 complete engines and 45 gearboxes to the front line of France, which ensures that more than 2 tanks in France and Germany are rushing forward without stagnation due to failure.
Moreover, it was the first to rush to the French coastline to complete the sickle-wielding operation. The German 7 th Armored Army also completed the first feat of helicopter rushing to repair the faulty tank near the front line of the tank engine in human history. guderian even set a precedent for helicopters carrying machine guns to escort three French prisoners
In order to maintain the continuous expansion of German mechanized forces, Bosch Corporation has spared no effort in refining synthetic gasoline, expanding the synthetic gasoline factory to an annual output of 50,000 tons, saving coal mines and supporting coal-to-oil production. In addition, 13 new water conservancy power plants have been built in various places in Germany, creating hundreds of thousands of employment opportunities in disguise.
The production capacity of Romanian oil fields is doubled by German engineers and workers compared with that in 1935. More than 9% of the oil produced a year is sent to Germany for war supply.
At the same time, 31 special trains were mobilized to transport all kinds of strategic materials to support the German * * team in the Warring States period, which ensured that the German army was invincible in the French territory, and the army dispatched 5 sorties of ju52 transport planes to carry out major battles, including paratroopers dropping to the Netherlands and Belgium, and arranged paratroopers and some army supplies.
It is not excessive to say that the German logistics supply troops fought an invisible war of gunpowder smoke, and their efforts were also highly praised by the first-line troops. When Brauchich reported the war situation to arcado, he said that "there is no victory without logistics supply"; Catherine also reported that "I praise the logistics forces because every bullet I hit the enemy came from them."
Today, the level of German industry is still shocking. Compared with Mercedes-Benz’s establishment of automobile production plants in various places, in February 1993, there were 290,000 male and female workers, and BMW’s engine production line also had 170,000 people working around the clock. At this moment, the Krupp factory also has 20,000 employees. It is terrible that the number of workers is so large that the weapons and equipment produced every day can still meet the needs of the German team.