"So you were in your twenties at that time. No wonder you felt that you were much better cared for than Iraqis. What’s the same if you continue?" Even after listening to this frosty thing, I feel a little similar to myself and more similar to others.

"This alone, I think you are the eldest sister, and you are always taking care of others like the eldest sister …"
"bag?" Lian Jianai chuckled, "In your dream, I first didn’t unite with this present position early. Second, she didn’t bring down the Lins. Third, she didn’t see through this. Fourth, she chose to believe her enemy." But since you are as special as I am … I have a secret for you. "
Even the frost didn’t speak. Looking at the flowers, she drank the tea slowly. "If you are exactly the same, it means that she never wanted to harm others, and so did I, but she made it by nature, but I made those people suffer the consequences."
"… I don’t understand …"
"Huh?" Even the frost frowned.
LianJianJia smiled. "I am the one who hates you and abandons you in the future. I even want to study the tactics of Broken Bamboo City when my family goes to the Palace."
Even frost frowned and looked at LianJianJu but LianJianJu is up from a side door.
Shelley came over. "Even the deputy commander, please go back." When you look relaxed, you will arrive at the [vertex network O].
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Chapter 353 It’s hard to argue! Fire is hard to send!
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC Love You Watch Network A, the fastest update genius, and the prince will be reserved! Latest chapter!
Even WanJian was at the edge of the sand table for an afternoon, but it didn’t mobilize the sand table. A little bit of it. Qi Mu came an hour ago. Even WanJian was thinking about tactics, but she didn’t bother for an hour. I hurried over and found that WanJian’s eyes seemed to be thinking. * Pop-up? @++www* C
"What’s the matter with the queen?" You Yan qi mu Xiao asked Shelley
"The empress has seen this frost master alone, and that’s it."
You Yan Qimu walked over without saying anything, and directly picked up Lianjia Shelley and removed the couch table in this room, so that you Yan Qimu held Lianjia and sat there.
"You all go back."
Even looking back at the corner of your mouth suddenly reminded you of Qi Mu, but I still smiled with her. "Have you inquired about this even frost?"
"It’s a wonder in the world. There are people like me and seagulls, and there are people like him."
"Why? Is there anything magical about him? "
Even Jia Jian nodded, "But before telling you, male and female servants also have a few questions to ask you."
"It makes me feel that this matter is not simple. I have to answer it with my heart, right?"
Lian Jianji nodded. "But you can rest assured that the answer is a reference for male and female servants to know whether their decision is correct."
"What decision?"
"I don’t want to say that after all, I know that the decisions of male and female servants will generally not change."
You Yan Qimu nodded his head, and I always felt something was wrong in my heart. "You ask."
"If the male and female servants have no talent, will they still think about the male and female servants to make a fuss?"
You Yan Qimu told the truth with a frown. "It won’t be until the king sees you for the third time that you just went out to help the king, will it?"
"The frost saw that there is probably no future." Even looking at Ru Yan Qimu with a smile, "Knowing male and female servants is bound to think this is ridiculous."
"oh? Let’s hear it? "
Even Jia Jian chuckled, "Even Frost doesn’t know whether I dreamed or really came back from the future."
"Sure enough, he is also strange?"
Even Jianji nodded and told you exactly what Frost said to her, but in one paragraph, Jianji was still embellished. Naturally, it was after Frost said that you had rebelled against Qimu.
"Do you know that the listener has a heart?"
"What’s the matter?"
"Frost said that when you sit down and don’t need male and female servants alone to calm people’s hearts, you will see the new couple laughing but the old ones crying and abandoning them. It sounds like something you can do."
You Yan Qimu looked surprised. "I am such a person in your eyes?" You Yan Qimu was even more surprised to see Lian Jian nodding. She actually approved it? !
"Lian Jian!"
You Yan Qimu is really a little angry. "Even an infant! If this is the case, will I let you even reinstate your official? "
"Didn’t the officials who followed the report be pulled back to their original positions when Lian Jiaguan was reinstated?"
You Yan Qimu’s tone is impatient. "Do you have it?"
But I can’t hold it. I’m lying in his arms, heartless and lazy. This sound is soft but affectionate. "Let’s put it this way, in the eyes of my courtiers, the court is the same as that seen by Frost. Even my family and those people have changed places."